Beginnings part 2

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Previously on "Rouges Rising"

"Intercom: Sir.

Professor Alister:(Annoyed) What is it? I'm busy.

Intercom: Sir, we are detecting high levels of Energon heading towards the planet.

Professor Alister: Triangulate the lan- Did you say Energon?

Intercom: Yes, sir

Professor Alister: Eureka. A chance to put the competition to shame. Send dig team Alpha now."

Crew leader: Hey, Rose, get your stuff ready. You and Alpha are heading out.

Rose: Where.

Crew Leader: Italy farmland. Boss man's orders."

"Rose: Nice first contact(as he puts down his rifle and walks to the smaller of the two pods). Come to Papa (as he places his hand on the pod, it zaps him back a few feet). Augh, damn, that hurts. ( as the small pod begins to open, revealing a baby at least a few months old) What the hell."

"Rose: I may not know what you're saying, but I'm not letting you near this kid(dodges another swing that hits the other pod with a loud gong-like sound and air being released with a loud hiss). Ahh...That didn't sound good (turning his head to see the other pod begin to open).
As the other pod opened in a flash of light, he saw what seemed to be a Decepticon come out with a red visor.

Decepticon: For the glory of Lord Megatron! (as its right arm transforms into a cannon and points to the humans charging it)Rose: Oh no!"-------------------------

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Decepticon: For the glory of Lord Megatron! (as its right arm transforms into a cannon and points to the humans charging it)
Rose: Oh no!"

Rose: What the hell.[holding the boy tightly and reaching for his pistol]

Radical: Cazzo!

Vehicon: [Aiming his cannon at the two] hand over the device, and I'll give you a quick and painless death.

Radical: Vaffanculo![raising their club and bringing it down on the Cybertronian's foot with little to no effect]

Vehicon: Insolvent pest.[raising his foot and stomps it down, crushing the radical]

Deciding to switch gears, Rose holsters his pistol instead and pulls out two Red phosphorus grenades.

Rose: Hey, Junkpile! Try hitting something you can't see![ pulling the pins on the grenades and throwing them in the air]

Vehicon: ARG! My optics!

A white mist with red sparks covers the area. Rose takes the chance and decides to run, knowing this fight is lost without the proper equipment.

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