Fame is Poison: Ch.1 Johnny has Returned

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A/N IMPORTANT: The story might not pick up until the 3rd chapter because I want to explain the character's feelings in this and the depth of her betrayal. I promise, you will not be disappointed and even those 3 chapters will be interesting, so don't worry.

Copyright: All right reserved to MaskedAuthor (N. Deviine)

                                                                          Fame is Poison

                                                           Chapter 1: Johnny has Returned

The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool.  -Stephen King

               Kate walked excitedly from work to the grocery shop. Johnny was supposed to be home today. That meant she would get to see her childhood crush. Kate hadn't seen him in a while because he was always busy with his career. Not that Kate knew what it was; he kept it a secret, even from her. Johnny and she were best friends since childhood. Since her own parents were always away, she spent the majority of her life with Johnny and his father. Kate didn't mind though, she didn't like her parents much. They would always criticize and mock her, saying how she was the ugly duckling of the family.

She had never let her parent's taunt bothered her, that is until the girls at the school started to pick on her too.The girls at school were starting to pick on her. It wasn't her fault that she was on the fat side,she liked to eat. Kate also noticed the boys steered clear of her and even though she pretended not to notice, it still hurt her. She shook her head willing the thoughts away. Why would she care? It's not like Johnny thought of her that way.

Johnny was the only boy that ever loved Kate for who she was. She remembered when they were little he would always say sweet things to her, about how beautiful she was, about how the other girls were jealous of her and that's why they picked on her. He was her prince charming. She didn't care if no one else liked her because she knew Johnny would always keep her in a special place within his heart.

She was pulled out of her musing by a boy that cut her line. Kate snapped her head at him and glared.

"Excuse me," Kate said, trying to get his attention.

"You're excused," the boy mumbled back and put his items on the counter for the clerk to check out.

"I was in line before you."

"Of course you were darling."

"I was and it's not nice to cut."

"I didn't cut."

"Then how do you explain, why you're in front of me?"

"You let me be in front of you."

"I so did not."

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