Fame is Poison: Ch.3 Betrayal

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A/N: The fun shall begin in the next chapter. Sorry it's a long intro but I need to build up the anger. :) Enjoyxxx

 Copyright: All rights reserved to MaskedAuthor (N. Deviine)

                                                                             Fame is Poison

                                                                         Chapter 3: Betrayal

 Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. - Nathaniel Hawthorne

     The next morning Kate called in sick. She didn't want to go to school if it meant she would have to confront those people again. Kate still wanted to believe that it was just one messed up dream. Sadly, life didn't agree with Kate because when she woke up, she found herself in the same skirt and top she wore last night. There was no way she could pretend now. Kate sighed and did her best to get through the morning.

At about eleven, she finally decided to go to Mr. Rain's house, so she could work on his garden. Gardening always had a way of relaxing her. The smell of flowers, the feel of velvet roses but most of all she loved when they bloomed, painting the garden with vivid colours.

Kate sighed in content, as she slipped on a pair of her worn out sneakers. She took a light jog towards Johnny's house, deciding some exercise was in order. Kate had to return to school eventually. She guessed they wouldn't let her live this one down. Another sad sigh escaped her lips. Why wouldn't someone just take her away and give her a new life? All she needed was a second chance, a second chance to be who she wanted to be. That was the thing about life though, you had one chance, one chance that would either make you or break you. Unfortunately for Kate, it was break in Kate's case.

Before she realised it, Kate had already arrived at Johnny's house. She doubted that he would be there. He probably already got an audition and was busy acting. Everyone around her was moving forward, was she the only one that wasn't moving at all. That certainly looked like it to Kate. Today, for the first time, Kate didn't bother knocking on the door but, instead she went straight into the house. She was too busy caught in her own misery to notice her slight mistake.

Suddenly, Kate started hearing breathy sighs in the living room. Curiosity managed to get the better of her and she headed towards the direction of the sound. What if it was a burglar? What if Mr. Rain in danger? She quickened her pace immediately, preparing herself for the worst. She swung the living room door opened and prepared herself for the worst.

The sight that beheld her was one that she thought was near-impossible in her most ludicrous and darkest dream.

Her mother, the actress Lauren Walker was spread on the couch, her top opened. Mr. Rain was on top of her, planting heavy kisses on her. Kate's mind was swimming from what she had just witnessed. Both of them snapped their heads towards her and glared coldly at her.

"What are you doing here Kate?" Lauren's voice rang out coldly in the room.

"I was just going to garden...," Kate's slowly trailed off as she explained herself. Wait, why did she have to explain herself to the person who was cheating on her father. She might have not loved her father or even liked him but she sure as hell wasn't okay with infidelity. A knot formed in her throat at the sight. Mr. Rain was also equally guilty in this filthy act.

"How could you Lauren," Kate accused, staring straight into her mother's cold black eyes.

"How could I what Kate?" Lauren asked innocently.

Fame is Poison a.k.a. The OneWhere stories live. Discover now