Chapter three

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The Master was watching Lyra as she was walking up to the high table. He couldn't help but think back to when he got Lyra and how he now thinks of her as his daughter. Back when London had the last bad flood and that Asriel dropped her off as the nunnery fell apart in the flood and she wasn't safe knowing the Magisterium would be looking for her.

The college wasn't the best place to have such a tiny child but as soon as he saw baby Lyra and baby Pan, he knew he had to keep them safe. Everyday when Lyra grew, the Master could see her parents traits slowly coming out in Lyra. He'd loved watching Lyra grow and not seeing Asriel since he dropped Lyra off when she was only a few months old, he took it upon himself to send pictures to Mrs. Coulter even though he was told by one of the servants that she didn't want dear Lyra.

The Master tried his best to raise Lyra like a young lady, but he just kept getting busy teaching the new scholars that kept coming in. He also noticed that she had a wild streak in her and was hoping it was just a phase. He was also hoping it would never come to the time that Mrs. Coulter would ever find Lyra, let alone want to take her home and raise her.

              —————Real time—————

The Master quickly snapped out of his gaze when Lyra was sitting down and she leaned over and asked the Master "who is the important person I have to meet?" The master just sighed and said "I've got to tell you something" Lyra all ears leaned in waiting to hear what the Master has to say and then the next minute this golden monkey jumps up onto the chair beside Lyra. "OH, you scared me you cheeky monkey" Lyra giggle a little.

Then this beautiful lady walks up to the empty chair beside Lyra and sits down. "Lyra, this is Mrs. Coulter" Lyra butts in on the Master and says "hey you're that lady I saw in the yard sad" Marisa blushing and giggles softly "yes that was me, I'm sorry you saw that"

The Master clears his throat and try's to find the courage he needs to tell Lyra that this lady is her mother. The first time he tries, he gets interrupted by a servant handing him his plate with his food on it. The second time, Lyra was too busy telling the pretty lady stories of her mini adventures. Finally the Master clears his throat and tells Lyra the truth. "Lyra dear, can you look at me please?" Lyra looks up with a mouth full off food, the Master breathes in then out. "Mrs. Coulter is your mother Lyra. Both Lyra and Marisa were shocked as she had plans on talking to the Master after dinner about trying to regain custody of her child.

Lyra swallows her food, pushes back her chair and runs off. "Why am I mad but glad Pan? I thought she was going to teach me, but my mother. I don't know what to do Pan" Pan flies to her shoulder as a little sparrow and tells his human to "follow her heart"

Lyra wasn't ready to return to the hall to finish dinner, she just needed space and time to think about what the Master had said. Lyra laying on the grass with Pan beside her as a puppy were staring up at the stars. Then Lyra hears a familiar voice calling out her name. "Lyra, Lyra, oh my darling there you are" Marisa so thrilled to finally find her daughter.

"Lyra look, I know what just happened was a little overwhelming, but if you like you can come live with me in my flat." Marisa was trying to hold back tears as she was staring into her daughters dark blue eyes, Lyra staring back. I....I.......I would really like that stuttered Lyra.

Marisa shocked as she wasn't excepting that answer from her child. She was jumping for joy on the inside and stood up and put out her hand to help Lyra up. "Come on dear, we best head back to the Master and tell him the good news."

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