Chapter 3

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It began to turn to dusk as I still sat under the same tree, my bum already numb from being in the same position for so long. I wonder if I could go look for James to keep me company he seems nice and not overly cocky like Tristan. I stood up and let the feeling return back into my legs before heading off back into the village, looking around I realised this would be harder than I thought as I didn't know my way around any part of this place. Oh damn, I don't even know how to get back to Tristan and Seth's house, most of the houses here are quite similar in looks.

I bucked up the courage to go over and ask one of the women watering her flowers outside a home I assume is her own.

"Excuse me miss?" I asked as she turned to look at me with a smile.

"Yes dear, what can I do for you?" She questioned pleasantly. Well I'm glad this pack seems so nice and friendly.

"I was wondering if you could tell me if you know where a guy called James would be" the question was far fetched as there could me multiple james's living here but worth a try as I didn't want to go back to Tristan and Seth's empty house just yet. "I'm new to this pack, one of the survivors" I smiled sweetly at her.

"Oh you poor thing, I was so sorry to hear what happened with the fire. And to answer your question James lives 6 houses to your left from the pack meeting hall in the middle of our village" she replied kindly while pointing me in the right direction.

As I walked away I heard her say hope you find it ok dear which I replied with a thank you and carried on in hopefully the right direction. I came to a building and sure enough a sign with the words pack hall were written across it in neat cursive text. I then followed to my left 6 houses down and hoped this was the right house. I knocked starting to get nervous and worrying if this was the right home. Now that would be embarrassing.

I waited for a minute to pass but no one answered. Disappointed I turned around and started walking away when I heard my name being called out. I looked around to see James standing outside the house I had just knocked on. I smiled and walked over to him.

"Nice to see you again so soon Ava, how did you find me?" He asked with an amused expression on his face.

"I asked some nice lady because I was bored and wanted to know if we could hang out?" I asked blushing, slightly embarrassed that he knows I've been looking for him.

"Yeh sure come inside, I was upstairs on the phone, I didn't mean to be rude by not answering the door" He smiled and held to door open for me signalling for me to enter.

I walked in and looked around, I guess most of the houses are pretty much the same I thought.

"Do you live here by urself?" I questioned.

"No I live here with my older brother Harry but he's visiting his mate tonight" he replied as I nodded my head in response. "There's not much to do here, do u want me to take you out for a run, the lake nearby looks lovely at sunset?

"Yeh, that would be nice" I replied happily. Maybe I could try get to know the surroundings incase I ever want to go out for a run.

We then head back outside. where a cool breeze started to get stronger. i. could tell this would be a cold night and I shivered and not wanting to stay cold I walked round to the side of the house where no one could see shifted into my wolf form leaving my clothes on the ground and looked over at James who was still a human. He went inside for a moment and I wondered what he was doing. He came back out with a backpack in his hands and picked up my clothes stuffing them in and I looked away giving him privacy as he took his off and put them in the bag as well.

"Try keep up" was all he said to me as he shifted, picked up the bag in his mouth, winked and started sprinting away with me following hot on his tail. I've got to give it to him, he was pretty damn fast.

We ran for what seemed like 10 minutes until we finally started to slow down. I noticed that we went a different direction to the way I arrived so either this lake is massive and covers a vast area or there are two lakes nearby. I really need to try learn the area.

We stopped and we were both panting loudly as we got our breathe back. I went over to the waters edge and laid down dipping my paws into the cool water making swirling patterns. I felt James lay down next to me and his warm dark fur rest against my side. It was comforting to have him here after having no friends for so long.

I'm not sure how long we sat in silence for but it might have been a while as I felt his body nudge mine. I looked at him and he nodded his head at the backpack and I understood that he meant for me to change back to human form so we could talk. I can't wait until the alpha accepts me properly so I can use the mind connection to talk to other pack members.

I grabbed the bag in my teeth and walked off behind a tree. I shifted back into human form making sure James couldn't see me and took my clothes out, putting them on and then walking back over to him so he could go change. He took the bag and went off. Soon after he came back to sit next to me now dressed.

"The sunset looks amazing" I said gazing up at the sky. In fact this whole placed looked lovely. I really hope me and James can become good friends, he seems like a nice enough guy.

"I'm glad you like it" he turned to smile at me which I returned. I started shivering as it was getting colder. James must of noticed as he took of his jacket and wrapped it round my skinny figure.

"Thanks" I said smirking.

"What's that look for?" He asked with a smirk of his own.

"Oh nothing just wondering something" I replied as a childish thought popped into my mind. It seems silly but I really wanted to play hide and seek, I haven't played it since I was little but I kinda missed out a lot on my childhood stuff since I stopped hanging out with people my age when my parents passed. Now was perfect to make up for lost times I thought mischievously and stood up and sprinted off.

"Catch me if you can!" I shouted out to him and I heard him laugh.

I turned around and winked at him before turning into the woods to hide. I walked around and heard that he was close behind. I saw a large bush and hid behind it waiting to see if he would find me. I heard a rustling in the bushes to my left, and expected James to come out and catch me but was surprised to see a mean looking wolf sneaking out of the bushes coming towards me. This was definitely not James. This wolfs fur was a caramel colour and looked matted and scruffy. A rogue, I thought. I was about to change into my wolf form to protect myself but the rogue lept at me fast, pinning me to the ground, it's claws digging into my shoulders, tearing the skin slightly. I screamed out in pain as tears welled up in my eyes. I tried struggling under it's vice like grip but it was useless.

"James!" I screamed out for him to come help me, I know he is near by so he must be able to hear me. The wolf bent down close to my face and growled, showing me his sharp teeth.

I was suddenly thrown away from the ground by the rogue and viciously hit a tree my head smacking hard against it with a thud. The impact hurt so much I could see my vision starting to blur and felt myself slipping out of consciousness. My heavy eyelids started to close and the last thing I saw was a dark blur taking down the rogue and snapping its neck with its jaw...

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