Chapter 2

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Kelly? I frowned. Must be his girlfriend. I concluded.

"WHAT?!" Tristan roared. "How could they let this happen!"

"Hey, Everyone was out all day searching for survivors, its as much as their fault as it is yours!" Seth shouted back.

"Listen, there's a search party out now, shes above any survivors, shes the main priority. Hunter told me to come and tell you, your her best chance of being found." Seth growled as he run a hand through his already ruffled hair.

"Err, I'm sorry to interrupt but who is Kelly and why is she important?" I ask quietly, I knew they could hear me, werewolves are sensitive to sound like that.

"Shes my twin and our rival pack managed to take her while her and Seth's brother and mates were out looking for survivors." Okay, so maybe not his girlfriend. Tristan glared at Seth. Seth returned his glare. I nodded, Tristan was her only hope, pack members have a special connection, but twins they have a unique bond. The bond is stronger than a mates bond, minus the lovey dovey part. If anyone could find her, Tristan could.

"Twins? that's very rare in weres."

"I guess I'm just special." he grinned tightly. Both boys changed and exited the cabin. I stood at the door, looking awkwardly at them. I wasn't quite sure whether to follow or shrink back inside the dimmed cabin. The boys didn't wait they both shot off without me, I guess I wasn't going with them then.

The cabin wasn't very big at all apart form the TV and couches there was a little kitchen at the back, it didn't look very clean, pots were still lying around the sink, the bin was overflowing and crumbs covered most of the counter. I grimaced, the stereotype of boys being messy was obviously true with these two. I quickly looked into the three others rooms. Two bedrooms and a bathroom with a decent sized shower. Guess the couch will be my bed for the time being. For a moment I thought about tiding the place up but my stomach growled angrily in protest telling me to get some food.

I walked over to the kitchen and started opening every cupboard trying to remember where things go. I finally came across some crisps, chocolate and some cookies. Not very healthy I know but I'm starving so who cares. I hope Tristan and Seth don't mind me pigging out on there food. I sat in silence enjoying the food I have been deprived of. I finished my food, satisfied for now and threw my empty rappers into the bin.

Well I guess I'm free to take a look around the village I thought to myself, wondering whether this Kelly girl is going to be ok, I know what its like to lose someone that means so much to you. I wouldn't wish that type of pain on my worst enemy. Walking out the house I scanned my surroundings. To my left stood a row of houses which were similar to the one I was just in. Children gathered outside of one of them a few houses down, setting up some sort of game. On my right was more houses and what looked like a gathering hall. It was the biggest building I could see. The design of this town was nice and from where I am standing it looks like everything is in one big circle. With the amount of houses here there must be at least a few hundred weres in this pack, which I don't even know the name of yet come to think of it. I must ask later or whenever the others return.

I walked towards the town hall nervously, not being socialable for ages kinda sucked and I really want to make a good first impression. Alot of people didn't even notice me, too busy caught up in their own lives to notice a newcomer. Deciding no one was going to talk to me I walked to the edge of the village and sat against the nearest tree, watching as my new pack went about their business. I almost dozed off when I felt a hand touch my shoulder making me jump nearly giving me a heart attack. 

"Who the hell- " I broke off mid sentence when I turned around to stare up as a guy about my age. He too had fair olive skin, with very dark brown short hair. His tight tee showed off his toned muscles.

"You know, It's not nice to stare", This boy said to me and smiled sweetly as I snapped out of staring at his body. I blushed and looked down hoping he wouldn't see my rosy cheeks.

After a few seconds I stood up and looked at him. "Yeah, well it's not nice to creep up on people either" I replied just as confident.

"Ha ha, yeah sorry about that. Your one of the survivors they found aren't you?"

"There's more survivors?" I asked quickly, getting my hopes up.

"Yeah I think there are 3 others but that's all I know." He replied and my heart sank. There's only 3 other survivors they found so far. I was expecting a lot more. He noticed my expression turning sad.

"Don't worry, we will find more", He smiled at me while I returned. "So whats your name?"

"Ava" I replied

"Nice to meet you Ava, I'm James. I just wanted to say hi and help you get to know someone here." With that he turned and walked away. It's a shame I didn't notice the evil glint in his eyes.


first of all want to apologise for not uploading in like 6 months... whoops

also they may be some mistake so sorry for that too... anyway hope you enjoyed and special thanks to my friend Katie who helped with this chapter so go read her stories :') @IThinkIJust

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