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Credits to @RosiexPosieee ,, @sxltyjk ,, @bitchywifu127 ,, @JPARKDEMON ,, @aliciaberryx ,, @turtlerabbitkim_1 (With them this whole roleplay/story was created so <33)

Sophia's pov

I watched as Rose fixed her gown and looked at herself in the mirror. The day has finally come, my sister is becoming queen. I sighed and turned to our family portrait. I could feel small tear droplets forming in my eyes but I held them back.

No way was I crying today. I won't let the past affect me today. I'm supposed to be happy but instead here I am getting reminded of mother and father.. I miss them. Things haven't been the same without them, everything changed and specifically someone changed a lot. Rose, her sudden change affected our whole family.

"I'm ready.." Rose said as she glanced at herself one last time. I quickly wiped my tears not wanting her to find out and looked at her smiling. "Let's get going, Diana and the others are waiting" I said excitedly but Rose wasn't excited. She wasn't excited one bit. She had no choice, mother and father wanted this.

I saw her zoning out and sighed. "Rosie? Are you okay?". "I'm fine, can we go already? I want to get it over with as soon as possible". I nodded and put a smile on my face. When I walked into the big hall, everyone got up and bowed in front of me. I looked for my other sisters and sighed when I saw only Jae sitting in the front.

She was eating again, even after telling her to pay attention. I walked towards her and gave her a stare. "What?" She asked innocently and smiled while munching cake. "Didn't I tell you to go and help the others? I'm the youngest, but I feel like I'm the only one mature here right now".

 "Diana and Lia are greeting the first guests, why do they need my help? Just let me eat peacefully, dammit" Jae said, annoyed and put the cake away. I sighed again and sat down, giving my attention to Rose who walked slowly inside.


Rose's pov

"Fuck this shit.." I murmured while smiling at the people who excitedly bowed and watched me walking to the front. No one knew about my real emotions behind that smile. Everyone in the room glanced at me, as I stood finally in front of the sovereign. I looked around once again before he started to speak. He moved forwards and I bent down.

As he grabbed the crown, the crowd of people stayed silent. I glanced at the crown and was immediately speechless. It was a beautiful golden crown with white diamonds on it. I don't know what happened to me, but my heart stopped for a second when I saw this crown. I'm not sure if it was fear of the responsibility I would need to take being a queen. But I was trained for it, right? I could do it. No, I need to do it. Whatever is going to happen, I need to do it well. Better, I can't make any mistakes. Never.

"Fucking finally.." I sighed while walking inside the castle. "What's wrong?" Diana asked me from behind. "It's just the stress, I guess. I've been planning this shit for about 4 weeks now". She sat down next to me and took off her heels. "You did a great job, Rosie".

I looked at my hands and nodded slowly. "I found it very boring" Amelia said while walking towards us. "Your speech, it was boring" she continued and I glared at her. "I'm not in the mood for your bad jokes right now". She rolled her eyes and looked at Diana. "I thought you had to give a speech too..?". Diana just sighed and got up.

"This shit didn't even end, just the ceremony is done" she pointed out and looked at Amelia. I stared at them both and chuckled a little. "What?" They asked me confused. These shit asses are truly dumb. "You just need to say some words, not a speech. Didn't we plan this together? Why are you acting dumb now?" I said frustrated. I didn't want anything to go wrong.

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