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Rose's pov.

"I don't want to be here..", "Don't worry, we all don't want to be here". Everywhere I looked there were men, women, children and guards. As Amelia and the other's went to the front to talk with the guests, I walked to a table and sat down. 'Hopefully this shit ends smoothly so we can arrive perfectly at the mission..' I said to myself. So, I've been watching people dance and trip, drinking, laughing and chatting all over the place. And as the time slowly faded, I could feel a pair of eyes staring on my shoulder. I didn't think about it that much, and kept watching my sisters dance with random royal prince's, who proposed after and after to all of them. I chuckled and looked at my watch. 'We should leave in an hour'.

Suddenly, an elegant hand grabbed mine and pulled me to the dance floor. I was startled a little and looked at the mysterious man. "Excuse me? What are you allowing yourself to do?". Since the man was wearing a black hat and a small mask, I couldn't see his face but a small smirk on it. "You must be queen Rose, right?", he slowly said and I got a little shocked from his deep and surprising voice. I frowned at him and scoffed, as I tried to get out of his tight grip. "Get off of me, or else I won't hesitate to hurt you."


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"I'm afraid, I can't do that". I looked around and smiled at the people staring at us, not wanting to catch attention and cause a pointless appeal. Then, I pulled my arm back to myself and stared at the man in front of me. I couldn't see much, but when he also looked at me, I could see his brown eyes. I never saw eyes like his, even though I know every single pair of eyes in this kingdom. "Who are you?", I asked. He smiled at me and then, a second after, he was gone. As if swallowed by the ground.

I didn't have much time to think about following him, or chasing him, since afterwards, Diana grabbed my arm and pulled me to the front gate. "Is everything okay? You look like you saw a ghost!". I looked once again back to the gala and sighed, I was confused and yet curious. "There you both are!". 

"Yeah, Rosie was dancing with some random man and got distracted but anyways..". I watched them all and sighed yet again, who was this person and why don't I know him? I am the new queen and even before that, my mother always went to visit people in the whole big kingdom with me together, to make me remember their eyes, face and voice. But why was he so.. unrecognizable?

"So, Rose, can you tell us the plan again? Some of us still didn't know the exact details". "The.. plan?". I could see Georgina's sigh and Lia's chuckle in the corner of my eyes before Diana hit my arm. "What the-?". "Come on! We don't have much time, could you hurry up?", she said.

"Okay.. so, we all separate into our normal teams, you remember, right? Then we go inside like the CA-HI technique I teached you, one by one. And then..."

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