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We slowly walked inside the big building, and the only thing I could hear was my own heavy breathing. It was freezing cold, I could feel my fingers getting slowly numb. The deadly silence was dangerously long, so I stepped forward while mouthing code words to my sisters.

My hazel-brown eyes scanned through the area and a frown was seen on my face. Why is nothing moving? I could hear the rest of us stepping right behind me through the long floor, with their guns aiming at every inch of it. And then suddenly, we could hear a loud noise.

It was the sound of an exploding bomb. Fucking shit.

I quickly catched my gun and pushed us to the side. I could scarcely spot any men because of the dirty mit the bomb formed, however I could inhale the fresh blood from the bitches I shot. ''Those motherfuckers waited for the right moment!', I shouted outloud.

As we collected more and more men on the floor, spreading their bodies completely and wasting their last breaths, we stopped shooting and stepped forwards through the before big building, which now was only a devastated and shattered place.


I tapped my feet on the ground as my mind kept replaying the dance with the unfamiliar guest at the gala. His eyes and how I couldn't recognize them, his smirk and how amused he looked when he grabbed my hand so evenly and danced with his hands on my waistline.

Also, his deep voice with a bright tone in it, somehow got me thinking about this way too long. I should've forgotten about him the second he left me there, but there was something about him that made me want to find him. Crazy, right?

"Damn, my poor outfit got covered in blood, does someone have a tissue or something?" Jae groaned,  while walking towards me, with Lia, Georgina, Diana, Sophia and Krystal.

"Yeah, no. Sorry". "This is the damn reason I don't go on any missions with you all", Krystal blankly comment. "Why so?" Diana asked, curious about it. "Maybe all the blood, the dusty smoke and then the fucking bomb who almost killed everyone of us??"

"That's exactly what happens here. You're lucky that no one creeped behind you and tried to suffocate you, ma'am..", sophia snapped back, sarcastically. "Pfft, such a scaredy cat".

 I could see Jae slowly sneaking next to me and tapping on my shoulder, as I turned to her. "What is it?", I asked. "Oh, just.. Diana said you were dancing with someone, right? WHO IS IT??", she squeaked with a wide smile on her face.

I know that smile so well, it's mixed up with curious eyes and a slight smirk. "Who?" I responded, acting like I don't know what she is talking about. "You know exactly what I mean!". I sighed, knowing that I can't bring myself out of this conversation, so I just told her about the mysterious man.

"Oh, damn. But... was he hot?". "Bitch? Are you saying I would think such things in this type of situ-".

"Rose?" Diana disrupted me and I looked at her. "Hm?".

"I think you should see this.."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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