a depressing sleepover

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Niki, why the fuck would you say I'm anti-romantic?

After we dropped Riki off at Sunghoon's we went back to my place and we sat on the couch staring into nothingness.

"What happened?" I simply asked him and he burst into tears. Does he not understand that this isn't a work of fiction- oh nevermind it is.

"I told him I liked him and he said I'm anti-romantic... what the fuck does that even mean" now if I'm not wrong from watching Sunoo grow as a person for- how old is he? Right! For 17 years of my life, he doesn't curse unless he is deeply hurt or very fucking mad.
In this case, I assume both cuz yeah whose response to being liked by someone is I'm anti-romantic.

"What can I do for you?"

"Advice for getting over someone?"

"Kim Sunoo, in your 17 years of living, have you ever seen me date someone?"

"Yeah, Kim Minjeong in middle school(?) I think"

"She was lesbian and we dated.because she thought she liked me but really was trying to conform to society's standards, at least that's what she said to me when I told her I didn't actually like her romantically"



"Ok then well what do we do now"

"I'll invite Jungwon and Jake over."

"Why not both Jungwon and Jay over?"

"Because Jay told me he is at Sunghoon's place dealing with his dumbass trying to figure out what he'll get Jake for their 2 year anniversary"

"2 years already?"


"Okay then you should also invite Jina because she recently had a breakup"

"OH! You're right"
He was indeed right. Jina, Jungwon's younger sister, had recently broken up with a douchebag who cheated on her with a university student.
The poor girl stayed home for  3-6 months straight(not completely sure) to fix her broken heart and now she's trying to confess to a girl she's into so I guess the staying at home with a gay ass dude made her gay as well. Actually she's probably something like pansexual.
"I'll call them right now"

The child was still crying and crying and crying so while I waiting for Jungwon to answer my call, I wrote down ask Jina what a broken hearted teen needs to eat or calm down. Bring movies or your netflix accounts. Seriously, i was waiting to get a steady income so I could afford such a luxury as netflix because not only do I have to rent my own apartment(that's on me, I should've rented a studio apartment instead *studio apartments are much cheaper than regular apartments)

"Hi hyung what's up?"

"Hey, uhh can you and Jina come over?" I said sighing. This felt so embarrassing for some reason. I still don't understand why though.

"Sure but what's wrong? You seem tense"

"They broke baby sunshine's heart"

"Oh... that's a tough one"

"Yeah by the way ask Jina to but some heartbreak snacks and i dont know movies or just add your netflix account on the roku, im too broke for either" i said sighing out again. I heard him yell to Jina what I just said.

"Oki, we'll be there in 10 minutes... is he crying?"

"Yeah... i dont know what to do" Oh, so this is why I was embarrassed.

"Just try to hug him so he doesn't feel alone"

We ended the call. I also called Jake, who said he would be here in 15 minutes becsuse his Felix hyung would be dropping him off and he lived like 15 minutes away. And as Jungwon had said about 10 minutes later, there was a knock at my door.

"Hello! Sunoo hyung! Jina and I are here! We brought lots of snacks!" Jungwon ran to Sunoo and gave him a hug and a warm smile.

"Wonnie, did you bring mint choco ice cream and lotus biscuits?" I smiled a little as he sniffled his words out. He had been sitting in a knealing position with his head on his knees for a while and I knew in the morning his back would hurt but i couldn't scold him.

"Of course, hyung! We even brought your favorite movie, Flipped!"

"Wonnie, Jina, Heeseung hyung... you guys I love you so much" he started sobbing more.

"Oppa, we love you too! So, so much" We hugged him as he sobbed into our arms. Although this is one of the sadder moments in my life I still think it will forever be in my favorite moments because of the love I felt.

"Guys- you forgot me" Jake cried out as he ran over with pizza and drinks.

"HYUNG!" We also brought him into the hug tightly.

The rest of the night we watched romcoms and Jina and Sunoo bonded over being heartbroken. Jina had already gotten over her ex but as they say there's always a small place for everyone you've loved in the past. Just as I have a small place for Minjeong.

anti-romantic ✧sunki-heeseung centric✧Where stories live. Discover now