winter is here

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The only relationship i had

I woke up the next morning after listening to Sunoo and Riki be the typical new couple all night. No, not in a weird way. In a sweet way. They argued over what to watch, like Sunoo is deep into both western and asian romcoms while Riki is into action movies. But what unites them is horror movies. So I was tired hearing them all night.
Then after they finally fell asleep( I assume) in each others arms, I finally went to bed.
I woke up the next morning to a call from someone I least expected.


"Hey, Seungie"

"Hi, why are you calling so early in the morning?"

"Well, later today I have errands to run and I wanted to talk to you"

"Yeah what is it about?" I was really curious since we hadn't talked in years.

"I think we might need to talk in person"

"Alright, i have time today at any hour. When and where is good for you?" Since I was almost on break, we only did lectures.

"At 2 in the Park by Park Residence"

"Alrighty then, see ya there" I smiled because apparently that makes you sound happy or something. At least that's what my manager said.

"Oki see ya"

I realized it was already 12 in the afternoon and I also realized that the boys were still asleep in Sunoo's room on a Monday.
I realized I had fucked up because I was supposed to wake them up.
Oh my gosh what would Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim say.
I quickly ran to Sunoo's room and knocked on the door before opening it.

"Hey kids, you still have school" the two woke up startled before Riki got up and started going to the bathroom.

"Let us stay home, hyung~"

"Nope, sunshine boy. The three of us will be in trouble if I do"

"Fine~" he got up to go to the bathroom before I stopped him.

"Actually Riki is already in there" he nodded and sat on the bed sleepily.


After they got ready(before me, giant mistake! I forgot sunoo takes forever to get ready) and so did i, i took them to mcdonalds and bought breakfast. Kids need breakfast to learn, remember to always eat breakfast! The most important meal of the day...
Anyway after that, finally i dropped them off and headed to the Park Residence which was like a piece of cake because most times I pick Sunoo up, Jay always gets a ride with me and leaves his cousins Jisung and Sunghoon behind to catch the bus or get a ride with Jake. I've never thought about how awkward it must be for Jisung to be with the couple.

When I arrived I saw Minjeong and I approached her and held up the bag of the McBreakfast I had bought.

"WAHHH, oh my gosh even after all this time, you're still such a gentleman! Thank you!!!"

"It's my pleasure" I smile handing her the bag. I had gotten another bag because I ordered for the kids and Minjeong and I so after Niki and Sunoo had finished I took their bag and stuffed my breakfast into it.
"By the way, I just got you regular coffee because I didn't know if you liked anything else"

"Oh, I'm alright with regular coffee"

"What was it you needed to talk about?" I asked unwrapping my breakfast sandwich.

"I realized something"

"What was that?"

"I was always gay, just in denial"

"Oh... so you didn't like me, back then?"

"Nope, I just chose you because you were Mr. Perfect" No, in fact, I was a mess.

"Why is that? I wasn't class president or anything"

"Yeah, but you were the kindest, the handsomest and had perfect grades... even our class president, Sungchan, was only half of what you were"
Oh Sungchannie, I remember him! I remember he would be in between Jisung and Chenle when they would get into playful arguments.

"Well, why are you telling me this?"

"I don't know to tell you that maybe you are really lucky to have the title of 'Minjeongie's Only Boyfriend' " she said as she made a rainbow shape with her hands and continued eating

"Maybe I am... but I realized something too..."

"What was it?" I began giggling because she had a bit of ham stuck on her teeth.
"Why are you laughing?"

"You look funny because there's ham stuck on your teeth, sorry" i kept laughing.

"Well then continue" she had gotten the ham off her teeth so I was able to be serious.

"I'm anti-romantic"

"Explain a bit"

"Well I don't like boys or girls or anyone for that matter... I dislike being liked as more than friends... so I'm what people call, Aromantic" I smiled.

"Ohhh! Ok! Sorry for not understanding. I'm happy you were able to realize you're better off independently"


Then we were contained in silence.

"Now what?"

"I don't know..."

"Welp, I have class in a few minutes so I'll take my leave... it was nice seeing you we should catch up another time"

"We should, I'll see you"

"Take care Heeseungie"

"You too, Minjeongie!" So we waved goodbye and that's how my day ended. Not literally but having a talk with Minjeong about how we both weren't fit for a relationship, at least a hetero one, and realizing who we really were made me realize, we're getting old.

Then I went back home and sat thinking about how happy I actually am to figure out that I really like romance but i dont like it when it comes to me.

I dont know if you guys liked Seungie's storyline but i thought about putting in some ace/aromantic representation because i rarely see it in fanfictions and a 7 member boygroup was a blessing ig.

anti-romantic ✧sunki-heeseung centric✧Where stories live. Discover now