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I knocked on my brother's door, it had been a while after school and I wanted to tell him about Jennie and me

There wasn't an answer so I opened the door, inside it revealed something I never wished to see. Jackson and Bambam making out on his bed, it isn't like I mind him making out with guys it's just seeing my little brother kissing someone, it's just weird. They separated and looked at me with a frightened expression

"I-I'm so sorry" I stuttered already closing the door

"Lisaa wait!" Bambam called out opening the door while fixing his shirt. "Hey, I'm sorry I didn't warn you or tell you really what has been happening it's all happened so fast"

"It's fine to carry on as you were, I'm going to go to Somi's house" I replied unsure of what to do

"No, stay I'd like you to get to know him anyway" Bambam responded dragging me back into his room. Jackson has sat awkwardly on the edge of his bed looking sheepish and disheveled

"Jackson this is my sister Lisa, Lisa this is my boyfriend Jackson," Bambam said a big grin spread across his face

"Boyfriend?" I repeated smiling

"Umm yeah as of today," Jackson said speaking for the first time today

We all went downstairs and had some snacks while watching the television getting to know each other more

It was slightly weird knowing that I was the one his ex-girlfriend is dating when he didn't know but I had to be polite because he likes my brother and my brother likes him. I'm planning on telling Bambam about Jennie and I when Jackson has left

I found out that my brother and Jackson had been on two dates but the first one was more casual because it was kind of date but Bambam didn't know Jackson is Pan, then they went on a proper date where they had their first kiss

I'm happy for them but kind of mad my little brother withheld this information from me when I tell him pretty much everything, more time passed of speaking and laughing but then Bambam looked at his phone and realized the time

"Hey Jackson you should go my mom and dad are going to be home soon and I have no idea how they would react if they knew I brought a boy home," Bambam said looking disappointed

"Okay" Jackson responded getting up from the sofa, Bambam followed suit and got up as well

Jackson quickly pulled him in for a short kiss then they said their goodbye and he left

Bambam shut the door behind Jackson and I said to him "I like him"

"Good, so what's going on with you and Jennie?" He asked quickly

"What?" I replied

"Come on like I didn't know the only reason you barged in my room was to talk about Jennie" he stated with a smug smile

"I don't know what you mean and by the way, I didn't BARGE IN I simply opened the door and saw you and your boyfriend making out" I protested

"But really what's going on?" He asked interested in the gossip

"Well as you know Jennie and Jackson are no longer a couple" I stated

"Wait! What?! Really?!" He said sarcastically rolling his eyes and putting his hands by his mouth in a fake shocked expression

"Well anyway Jennie asked me to be her girlfriend" I exclaimed excitedly

"Wow that's great," he said smiling

I could hear the sound of a key twisting in a lock and knew straight away that my parents are home. Dad got off work early today so I knew he and mom would be shopping for both food and the baby, it was already nearly time for the gender reveal scan which I can't wait to find out

My brother and I have bet $10 for what the gender will be, I think it will be a girl and my brother thinks it will be a boy. To be honest, I don't mind what the gender is, I just want to be right against my brother

"Hey," my mom said smiling slightly while coming through the door with a few bags in her hands and hanging of her arms

After a while, it was family dinner time. I normally don't like family dinners but this time I'm dreading it, the pit of my stomach is twisting and turning with worry. I don't know what it is but I feel like something is going to happen

Slowly I make my way downstairs and into the dining room, my brother Bambam is already sat down at the table on the side we usually sit, we do this so we don't have to sit directly next to mom or dad

Once the food is served and everyone sat down we started to eat with a little bit of conversation

"So Lisa" I looked up to my mom who's speaking across from me "Do you have a boyfriend yet?"

I still hadn't come out to them and didn't feel ready yet, my throat feels like it is closing up and I can't speak. Bambam must have seen the panic on my face by the question that was asked

"No she doesn't," he said carefully then added "But I do" the last bit was said in more of a jokey way but still just came out a little more than a whisper

"Son it isn't funny to joke about that stuff" dad replied sternly his hands gripping to the table

"I'm not joking," he said shyly his voice coming out strained

"You fathers right you don't joke about something like being gay" mom added a slight look of disgust on her face

"I'm not saying I'm gay, I already told you guys that I'm bisexual" he retorted

"That's rubbish bisexual people don't exist your one or the other" dad said raising his voice in frustration

"Well considering I don't exist, I'm going to leave this table," he said angrily and got up and left

I felt frozen at the table as my mom and dad continued to discuss how he's just CONFUSED or a PHASE that was the bit that annoyed me the most

"You say he's confused but you know nothing about it!" I shouted

"Hey sweetie why have you so worked up" my mom replied calmly as if nothing had just happened

"Why wouldn't I be! Just because you don't understand someone's sexuality you say it's NOT REAL" I replied then left the table with my parents looking shocked at my outburst

I walked upstairs and entered my brother's room where his door was ajar. He is sat on his bed scrolling through his phone with a few years down his face

"Hey," I said shuffling my feet from the doorway "Can I come in"

"Okay only because I know you would anyway" he replied with a small sigh

"Are you texting Jackson?" I asked with a playful grin

"Maybe" he replied shyly with a slight smile

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