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"What are you doing here?" I asked looking at them and Jennie's parents

Jennie's parents looked at me apologetically

"I was worried and wondered where you were" Bambam admitted biting his nails which he does when he's anxious

"I told them where I would be though" I replied looking from Bambam to my parents

"Yes and we wanted to speak to Jennie's parents to ask them how they could let this happen" my dad scoffed

"By 'let this happen' what do you mean exactly?" Jennie's mom asked trying to be polite but I could see her nearly grinding her teeth together with annoyance

"About letting your daughter brainwash mine into thinking she has feelings for her!" He replied enraged

"You seriously think that!" I screamed

Both Bambam and Jennie seemed suddenly shocked by my outburst. My mom looked at me with her disapproval expression

"Jennie didn't do anything! I've had a crush on her for years! But now you're claiming that it was her who 'turned me gay by brainwashing me' if you believe that then you're stupid!" I practically spat

"Lalisa Manoban we will not accept this behavior from you!" My mom spoke up putting on her posh authoritative voice

"What behavior that fact that I kiss girls or for standing up for myself!" I yelled

"Get your things and come home. You're grounded!" Mom commanded her staring eyes piercing into mine

I stormed upstairs to get my things with hot tears streaming down my face. My hand wiped away carelessly at the tears which are now staining my hands black

I can hear footsteps behind me but I don't care to turn around

Opening Jennie's door to her room I got in grabbing my rucksack. Staring in the mirror it's like I'm seeing a stranger, this broken girl

A girl that's not me, Jennie came up behind me making me jump slightly

"Sorry," Jennie said realizing she scared me

"Everything will be okay"

"Saying that won't make it true" I retorted a little too harshly, sighing I apologized

"Lalisa get down here now!" My dad shouted harshly from downstairs

"Bye," I said giving Jennie a quick kiss on the cheek then left before she could say anything

The walk home was silent although I could feel Bambam's eyes on me

Breaking the silence I asked, "How long am I grounded for?"

"Until you give over this lesbianism" dad spat

"Oh great, so never" I replied quickly but Bambam must have heard me by his slight smirk

"Wait, why didn't I get grounded for being Bi?" Bambam asked curiously

"Because we know you're just a confused little boy" dad retorted angrily

"I'm attracted to both genders is that hard to believe?" He asked incredulously

"Little bro leaves it you don't want to be grounded too" I whispered to him

"But it's unfair!" He protested

"Life's unfair get used to it" I replied irritated

"Phone" dad commanded as soon as I got through the door

"Why?" I asked feeling defeated

"So you can't text that girlfriend of yours" dad replied with rage blender into his voice

"Fine" I handed him my phone feeling sick. There's no point in disobeying him anymore. It's useless

Running up to my room I put one of my CD's into the player and went to look in an old drawer of mine

They took my old phone. I slammed the drawer shut and went over to my door to properly look at my room. Everything even slightly but LGBTQ+ was gone

Going over to my bookshelf they'd gotten rid of books to do with anything remotely gay. When I went to my DVD's some were missing as well

I stormed downstairs enraged

"What did you do with my stuff?!" I questioned raising my voice

"Don't act so surprised we did the same thing with Bambam" mum replied

"You did?" I said shocked

"You did?" Bambam asked in unison

"You didn't realize?" Mum said incredulously

"No?" He answered

"He didn't have that much gay shit at least not as much as you," dad said angrily

"Oh, and how could I forget both of you. Lalisa break up with your girlfriend and Bambam break up with your boyfriend" dad said sounding bored

"What! Why?" Bambam asked

"Look at this it's disgusting," dad said turning around his phone to that same stalker number I'd started to know so well, but this time there is a picture of Jackson and Bambam kissing

Kissing in our house, then there is another picture of Jennie and me kissing at her house. The day her mum walked in on us

A shiver ran through me. My stalker knows where I live and where Jennie lives

"How did you get this that's at our house?" Bambam replied

"I got sent it by some number that must think it's just as unnatural and sickening as I do" he answered not seeming worried by that fact at all

An overwhelming amount of fear washed over me. This stalker could be anyone and they could be close, what if they're watching me right now?

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