Ch 113: A Game-Changing Move

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My P.O.V

I get Tsuna off me and I say "Tsuna-kun, this is bad," I take my earrings off and I throw them up and I say "heavenly staff come to me now!" My earrings transform into a staff and my outfit changes as well, I catch my staff and I whisper "heavenly heal." My staff glows and I point it at Tsuna. We see Phantom Knight get surrounded by mist and he is now wearing an armor as the mist disappears. Godfather say "he looks even tougher now," Spanner says "like a knight...I've never seen such a weapons before." Tsuna gasps and Phantom Knight says "Byakuran-sama told me to use my full strength to defeat you and to capture Lady Vongola Juudaime." Tsuna can't move I can tell and Phantom Knight says "his words are consider divine revelation, they cannot be undermined. Cease your futile resistance and die a quick death." I glare at him and I say "he won't die and we will take you down." Tsuna tries to stand up but he can't, I glance at him.

(Heavenly Staff.)

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(Heavenly outfit

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(Heavenly outfit.)

Tsuna's P.O.V

I can't stand up it hurts and he says "by now, you should have felt the difference in power between you guys and I, I said the same words to your guardians...but they ignored the difference in ability and died tragically." Aly says "we won't believe you until we see their bodies, until then that that means their alive," he looks at her and he says "you can't be that foolish, Lady Vongola Decima and Vongola Decimo." I feel like my back is healing and I am able to get on my kneels and I say "we're fully aware of how strong you are nevertheless...we will fight." We look at him and our gloves glow and we say "Operation X," the voice says "roger that, boss. Commencing firing sequence for X Burner." We get in position and the voice says "flame pressure in right burner rising 23,000...25, lost." Phantom Knight says "I won't allow that to happen," we are about to get hit but Aly says "heavenly angel shield!" Allison blocks his attack and I think 'what an incredible sword. The blade's moving so fast I can't see it! And on top of that he knows abut the X Burner...' Reborn says "baka-Tsuna and Allison, you both left yourselves wide open during the critical period before the X Burner can be fired. You can't just shoot it off against this opponent."

Spanner's P.O.V

I say "that isn't the only problem Vongola's power has dropped dramatically. The X Burner's flame pressure is at 1/5th of its previous level," Reborn says "as I thought, their fatigue is at its peak. After firing the X Burners in succession, they probably have no energy left." I look at my computer and I say "at this power level a shot of the X Burner couldn't even..." they say "Reborn," he says "Tsuna, Allison," Lady Vongola says "we have a favor to ask you," Reborn says "what is it? Tell me," they whisper it and I can't hear it and Reborn says "I see, an eye for an eye? It wouldn't be fair to let him use overpowered weapons by himself, but I doubt this method will work on him. Even if it works, it'll be a one-time thing. And it'll only be for a moment." The smoke clears and they say "that's all we need," Allison throws her staff up and it turns back to her earrings and she puts them on. Her outfits goes back to normal and they look at Phantom Knight as he lowers himself to them and he says "my Spettrale Spade is capable of splitting its blade and attacking multiple points simultaneously. Even if you can sense the attacks with your super intuition, you won't be able to guard against them."

My P.O.V

Phantom Knight says "die!" He sense his attack towards us and we fly up and Phantom Knight looks at us and he says "you cannot run!" We dodge his attacks as best as we can and Spanner says "don't get hit, do whatever it takes to avoid a direct hit," we pretend getting hit and Spanner says "Vongola!" Reborn says "Tsuna!" We use the smoke as a distraction as we use more off our flames to go up and we hear him say "escaping huh?" Phantom Knight says "for you to show your backs to me at the very've chosen a shameful death. I overestimated you!" I look at Tsuna and I nod, we are in position and the voice says "flame pressure in left burner rising 25,000...30,000 FV. Gauge Symmetry standby for launch," Spanner says "only 30,000? The flame pressure's too weak," we rise our hands up towards him and he says "I won't let you fire!" We say "X BURNER!" He heads towards us pass our flames and Spanner says "it's too weak!"

Tsuna's P.O.V

We keep focusing on our flames and Spanner gasps and I say "you were manipulated by your data, you were so wary of the X BURNER...that you didn't split your blade, and focused all your strength into one point." Aly says "we can read that," our flames are flickering as we hold his blade and Spanner says "that stance..." I say "Zero Point through Revised: Blade Grasp!" Aly says "Sub-Zero Dragon Point Breakthrough Revised: Blade Grasp!" Spanner says "Zero Point Breakthrough....and Sub-Zero Dragon Point Breakthrough..." Reborn says "revised," Spanner says " be able to stop a blade shrouded in Mist flames..." Reborn says "well, this is Tsuna and Allison we're talking about," Phantom Knight gasps and we say "it's too late." We suck in as much flames as we can and he breaks our hold but we got enough flames and our flames get bigger and I say "now we can fight seriously." Phantom Knight says "you make it sound as if you both haven't been using your full strength," Aly says "that's right," we disappear from his sight and we punch him and we start to punch him but he dodges our attacks and we get behind him and he says "damn you both!"

Reborn's P.O.V

They punch him again and he hits the wall and Spanner says "so strong..." Spanner looks back at his computer and he says "they haven't merely recovered their power...their maximum limit has increased since the Moska fight." Gianni says "unbelievable..." Spanner says "Vongola becomes stronger as they fight..." I say "indeed," I keep watching the fight and I say "but something's wrong, The Phantom's Knight's movements feel dead.," Spanner gasps and he says "huh?" He looks up and I say "it doesn't matter how strong they become there shouldn't be this much of a gap, it's as though the Phantom Knight is unable to focus on the battle." 


(The pictures don't belong to me all of them I either grab them from googgle or pinterest. So all credit goes to their owners.)

Reborn: *has me hanging upside down with tape on my mouth. Tsuna enters the room and sees me.*

Tsuna: Hiee! Why do you have Author-chan hanging upside down?! *he is freaking out*

Reborn: because she took to long to update. *he sips his expresso*

Tsuna: that's not a really good reason *he mumbles*

Reborn: did you say something? Damn Tsuna? *his eyes have a glint*

Tsuna: Nope but you should let her go. Before someone comes here and Yeets you out that window.

Reborn: *He looks at Tsuna weirdly* Yeet?

Tsuna: *he sighs* I have been spending to much time reading Spiderson and Ironman one shots with author-chan

Reborn: Ciao! Ciao! *he takes off*

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