Ch 23: Fighting Back in Different Ways

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Time Skip:

My P.O.V

We had to split up from my brother since he had to stay behind to take care of Chikusa, we  finally make it to where Mukuro is at. Mukuro says "I'm happy to meet the both of you again," Tsuna says "you're...! Were you captured?" I facepalm and I make sure Tsuna doesn't go near him, Tsuna looks at the rest and he says "he's a Kokuyo student who was taken hostage, we met him in the forest," I sigh" Mukuro laughs and he says "take your time, we'll be spending a long time together, Vongola Juudaime and Lady Vongola," Tsuna says "huh? How does he know that we're Vongola..." godfather says "wait, Tsuna," I say "Tsuna, keep your guard up," Bianchi says "you've got it wrong, Tsuna, this guy..." Mukuro laughs and he says "that's right. I'm the real...Mukuro Rokudo, Lady Vongola figured out I was lying from the very start you got a smart one," Tsuna says "huh?" The door closes behind us and we see Futa, Tsuna says "Futa! D-Don't scare us," Bianchi says "glad you're alright," Tsuna says "we searched everywhere for you," Bianchi says "it's dangerous, so get behind us," I step away from Futa and I say "wait something is wrong with him," I gasp as he stabs Bianchi and I think 'Hayato, is in trouble I just know it, it's a twin thing,' Tsuna says "Bianchi!" Bianchi is down, Tsuna looks at Futa and he says "Futa, why did you do that?" I say "he's being controlled," I grab Tsuna by his hand and we dodge Futa's attack and godfather says "Allison is right, his mind is being controlled," godfather is patching Bianchi up as best as he can, Tsuna says "n-no way...come to your senses, Futa!" Futa keeps trying to attack us and we dodge his attacks he is about to stab us but godfather pulls us away with a whip  and he says "I bought the whip Dino gave you," he looks at Tsuna.

Reborn's P.O.V

Tsuna says "why are you handing this to me?!" I say "what do you mean? If you don't fight back, you'll die." Tsuna says "but it's Futa! I can't do that!" Mukuro says "not what will you do, Vongola Juudaime and Lady Vongola?" They head towards Mukuro but Futa follows them and Tsuna says "stay away, Futa!" He tries using the whip but it hits him and Allison, Mukuro laughs and he says "you both always manage to surprise me," Mukuro says "come on, look behind you, you're in danger," Tsuna says "Futa got tangled up too," Futa tries to grab the weapon but Allison throws it behind her. Allison and Tsuna figured something out as Futa grabs the weapon and they say "it's not your fault," Tsuna says "it's absolutely not your fault! We're all on your side, don't worry, you can come back to us!" Futa stops and Allison says "We just want you to come back home to us, Futa.  We know this wasn't your fault, we know your innocent," Futa holds his head. Mukuro says "oh? The mind control is coming undone," Futa looks at them with tears in his eyes and he says "Big Tsuna...Big Allison," he faints and Mukuro says "you had to stick your nose where it didn't belong, and now he crashed." 

Tsuna's P.O.V

I say "no way, Futa!" Mukuro says "he's barely gotten any sleep over the past ten days thinking back, he was quite a handful we came to Japan to learn the whereabouts of Vongola Juudaime and his girlfriend but we had no leads. So we asked Futa-kun, who was rumored to be an acquaintance he invoked Omerta and kept his mouth shut," I think 'the code of silence, Omerta...' Mukuro says "even after I took control of his mind, he wouldn't say anything about the Vongola very impressive." Reborn says "so you had no choice but to use the Namimori combat ranking to flush out Tsuna and his family," Mukuro says "the scheme was a huge success, as you can see, the Vongola boy and girl are here." Aly says "you are the worse you emotional hurt Futa," I nod and I say "you abused an innocent boy like Futa..." We stand up and we look at him and I say "Mukuro Rokudo! What do you take people for?!" Mukuro says "toys, I suppose," I say "don't give us that crap!" I head towards him with the whip and he says "I didn't expect to deal with the both of you personally."

My P.O.V

Tsuna got hit and godfather says "he hit you with an intense attack when you passed each other," Mukuro says "bravo, Arcobaleno. You're exactly right," I look at the flame in Mukuro's eye and Tsuna says "there's a Deathperation flame in his eye!" Mukuro says "oh? You can see it? This is the aura of combat skill I attained it in the fourth realm, known as Asura," Tsuna says "Asura? Skill?" Mukuro says "have you heard of the six paths of rebirth?" Godfather says "when people die, they're reborn into the Naraka, Preta, Animal, Human, or deva Realms," he explains to us how he's got all six paths in him, Tsuna says "what are you talking about?" Godfather says "if that's true, you're one crazy monster," Mukuro looks at godfather and he says "you're in no position to talk cursed infant, Arcobaleno," I glare at him.  Mukuro says "now, let me show you another skill here goes," he uses it and I know it's an illusion but Tsuna doesn't, I go up to Tsuna and I say "sorry," I slap him and godfather kicks him, Tsuna holds his cheek and he says "what are you doing, Reborn?!" Tsuna snaps out of it and he says "h-huh...that...?" I say "you were seeing an illusion," Tsuna says "huh? a-an illusion?!" Mukuro says "I'm impressed you both saw through it, yes, the first realm, Naraka...destroys a person's mind with unending nightmares. However, after some observation, I've learned the relationship between the three of you, the Arcobaleno is your supervisor, correct?" Godfather says "you're wrong I'm Tsuna's and Allison's...tutor," Mukuro says "I see, that's a unique relationship but the teacher won't attack me? I don't mind taking on the three of you," godfather says "that's the rule," Mukuro says "hiding behind rules, are you? An answer I would expect from an upright mafioso." Godfather says "besides that, my students will be able to defeat you without any help from me." 

Reborn's P.O.V

Allison takes off her earrings and throws them up and she says "I call to the staff of the light!" They glow and transform into her staff and she catches it and her outfit changes as well." Tsuna says "hey, Reborn!" Mukuro says "oh? What a beautiful display of trust very well," he uses another realm and snakes surrounds them and Mukuro looks at me and he says "your students' lives are in danger, you okay with that?" I say "don't push your luck, Mukuro, I'm a first-rate tutor," Allison says "light shield!" a shield surrounds both of them and the snakes can't get near them and someone throws a tonfa at Mukuro and Gokudera says "Juudaime, Hime, get down!" They see dynamite above them and Allison says "don't worry Tsuna-kun the shield will hold," he nods as the dynamite explode and Allison takes off the shield and they look at Gokudera, Hibari, and Reina. Gokudera says "sorry I'm late..." Tsuna says "Hibari-san!" Allison says "Reina-san! Hayato!" They smile and I say "see, Mukuro? Tsuna and Allison aren't the only ones I'm training," Mukuro is shocked and Hibari says "we've returned the favor," he pushes Gokudera away from them and Reina says "you didn't have to do that," Mukuro says "I see the audience members are joining in, what could Chikusa be doing?" Gokudera says "the four-eyed freak is taking a nap with the animal freak downstairs," Tsuna says "that's amazing, Gokudera-kun!" Gokudera says "well, I wasn't the one who beat them..." he sulks as he says that, Hibari grabs his tonfa and he says "are you ready?" Mukuro looks at him and he says "so scary but don't interfere with the Vongola, his girlfriend, and me. Besides, you should barely be able to stand since you've broken a number of bones," Hibari says "are those your last words?" Mukuro says "you say amusing things I have no choice. I'll eliminate you first, I'll make this quick," they start to fight each other.

Tsuna's P.O.V

Reina comes up to us and she watches with us, I say "go, Habari-san!" Reborn says "don't underestimate these guys, Mukuro, they're developing much faster than you think," Mukuro says "I see that you're right. If he wasn't injured, it may have been difficult to judge the outcome of this match," he starts to bleed and I say "Hibari-san!" Mukuro says "it's a waste of time, I'll end this swiftly," he uses his illusion and Sakura trees appear, I say "Sakura tree?" Reborn says "Hibari is weak to Sakura, he has Vertiginous Cherryitis, Shamal used a Trident Mosquito on Hibari a while back." Aly smirks and Mukuro says "kneel before me," it looks like he's about to fall down and I say "Hibari-san!" He hits Mukuro with his elbow and Gokudera says "heh, Shamal gave me some medicine for Habari," I say "you mean..." I smile and we see Hibari take care of Mukuro and I say "he did it," Gokudera says "man, and he gets to steal the show." Reborn says "we finally got him," I say "it's over, we can go home now!" Reborn says "still, you were amazingly useless in the battle against Mukuro," I look at him and I say "leave me alone!" We see Hibari go down and I say "oh no! H-Hibari-san! Are you okay?" Reina, Allison and I go up to him and Aly says "he must be exhausted," Reborn says "he was fighting on pure instinct by the end. He must have been upset about losing the first time," Reina says "your right," I say "Hibari-san's incredible...that's right we have to get everyone to the hospital fast!" Reborn says "there's no need to worry, the Vongola's skilled medical team is on the-" we hear someone say "you won't be needing them, because there won't be any survivors," we see Mukuro with a gun pointed at Aly and I and Gokudera gets in front of us and he says "bastard!" Mukuro says "we shall meet again.." he shoots himself, Aly says "I have a feeling this isn't over," Gokudera says "h-he actually did it..." I say "no way...why would he do that?" Reborn says "he'd rather die than be caught," I think 'this is weird...what's...I've got a bad feeling about this,' we see Bianchi sit up and she says "so you finally defeated Mukuro?" She looks at Gokudera and she says "can you give me a hand, Hayato?" Gokudera says "huh? G-Guess I can, J-Just this one time, okay?" He starts heading towards her but Aly says "no!" She pushes Gokudera down as Bianchi tries to stab him and he says "what's wrong with you?!" Bianchi says "my, how silly of me," I think 'this is weird, something's wrong here, I've experienced this unnatural sensation before...Mukuro...Rokudo?' She laughs and he/she says "we meet again...I still have some business to take care of so I returned from the depths of Hell." Reina says "just great." 


Tsuna: Hiiee! Mukuro-san is here not good! *he finds a place to hide and Reborn appears and kicks him and drags him by his collar*

Reborn: Damn-Tsuna you have to take care of him! Good Luck! *throws him towards Mukuro*

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter.

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