Little sister

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Imagine your Lexis little sister and you both get invited to a Salvatore house party. You find Stefan hot;)
I had been sitting on the sofa watching friends when Lexi came over to me and told me we had been invited to a party at the Salvetores house. I had never met the Salvatore brothers but Lexi was extremely close with one of the brothers so wanted me to meet them. Our mother had died as a human centuries ago so Lexi had taken me under her wing. So when she told me we were taking a trip to mystic falls, I had no other choice than to go with her. When getting to mystic falls we checked into a posh hotel which had a longe and be both had a room each.

"Y/n are you ready" Lexi shouted from the other room. I had already got dressed and was putting my shoes on. I had put on a satin beige dress with a open back and spaghetti straps that did up to my own personal preference. And to cover my shoulders I had a fluffy cream coat with had a bottom at the top of I wanted to do it up. Lastly I added a white small bag and a pearl necklace. As I slipped in my white heels, I replied to Lexi,
"One sec" I shouted back at her. Once I had successfully secured my shoes on, I grabbed my coat and bag and left the room I had been in. I walked to Lexi, who was waiting for me at our hotel door.
"Don't you look nice" she teased me as she poked my stomach. I blushed and playfully laughed.
"Shut up" I laughed, lightly slapping her face away from looking at me. She opened the door and gestured for me to leave first.
"Lady's first" she laughed and I rolled my eyes and left the our hotel. She followed after me and locked the door as she left. We both walked down the corridor, heading towards the hotel exit. The hallways were filled with posh decorations and perfectly fitted carpet, which was bound to feel soft to the touch.

We soon got to the exit of the hotel after mesmerising over the theme of the place. As he walked out the hotels, we walked towards lexis red car. I heard a beep as she unlocked it with the key clutched in her hand. We both got into her car and put our seatbelts on, before going anywhere.
"So what's this guy like" I asked, referring to Stefan, who I hadn't yet met. She put the keys in the car to start it and looked back at me.
"Stefan" she smiled. "He's one of the nicest people you will meet" she continued, the engine starting. Analysing what Stefan would be as Lexi seemed somewhat obsessed with him. She backed out the space she was revered in and left the hotel car park. The music on, luckily on a radio station I was familiar with.

As I sung along with the songs on the radio in my head, we arrived at the Salvatore's soon enough. Lexi parked in a reserved car space, amongst loads of other cars. There were people going in and out the Salvatore house, their house was sure big. They had threw a bigger party than I thought. Lexi sat back in her seat as she stopped the car and faced me. She laughed at my mesmerisation,
"Coming" she asked as she opened her car door. I nodded and got out the car too, following her once she locked it. She waited for me so we could walk together. She flung her arm around me and then we headed towards the front door. Lexi had already been invited in but I hadn't. As if Stefan knew we would turn up at that very moment, there he was. Standing at the door, smiling at us both.
"Stefan" Lexi said excited and walked towards him and flung her arms around him as he enveloped her into a hug. After a couple seconds, they parted. Lexi turned to me and smiled showing me how excited she was.
"Y/n this is Stefan, Stefan this is y/n" she exclaimed, facing us both. He was classically handsome and athletic, with a brooding, mysterious and intense aura. He had a pale complexion with beautiful forest green eyes. His nose was straight as if it had been chiselled and a soft mouth. I brought myself out my stare and looked down slightly embarrassed. His eyes trailed my body as he licked his lips. Lexi gave him a weird look, unsure of what had gotten into us.
"Come in y/n" he said smiling after analysing ever inch of my body. There was no way a boy like that could like me...maybe he was just surprised Lexi had a sister. I smiled at his gesture and walked in, following him and Lexi. I took in all the people and the big house, looking around as Stefan and Lexi began speaking. I found my way to the kitchen, where I got myself a drink.
"Hey lex-" I heard a voice behind me begin before turning me around by the shoulder, interrupting me getting my drink. He had dark hair and pricing blue eyes.
"Oh" he said " Your not Lexi" he finished, looking deeply into my face. I gave him a confused look, unsure of how he knew my sister.
"No, I'm her sister y/n" I informed him and he mouthed a 'ohhh'. I nodded my head and turned back round to get back to my drink. The man leaned on the counter besides me and watched me. I looked at him confused why he was still here.
"Can I help-" I began before being interrupted by him.
"Damon Salvatore, lovely to meet you y/n" he said holding his hand out for me to shake, with a friendly smile on his face. Oh, he was one of the Salvatore brother. Him and Stefan looked nothing alike, which I found a-bit odd. I took his hand and shook it.
"You have a very nice house" I complained, facing back to getting my drink.
"Only had it since 1864" he laughed.
"I see you've met the bad brother" I heard Lexis voice say from behind me. As I turn around with my drink in my hand, I saw her and Stefan walking up to us. It was almost as if we were in a film, as if he was walking towards me in slow motion. My every thought taken over by this one man.
"Yep" I said before taking a sip of the drink I had got myself.
"Damon, long time no see" she said while facing Damon. He laughed and nodded as if they had history. "Well I'm going to the toilet, I'll be right back" she continued smiling. I watched her walk off as did Damon, without excusing himself. Stefan and I awkwardly stood, unsure where to look. My eyes found his arms, they were toned perfectly as was his chest, as far as I could see through his black top anyway. His eyes started trailing my body from my feet and stopped at my boobs, snapping himself out the stare after realising he was staring.
"So how long have you known Lexi" I blurted out, unable to experience another second of the awkwardness. Our eyes met and locked as he was about to respond to me.
"Since 1864" he replied, giving me an awkward smile. And I returned it, unsure of what to say. I don't know why it was so awkward, normally I wasn't an awkward person but I felt the need to impress him and that made me freeze up every time I was in his presence. I was trying to tell myself I didn't find him hot because he was my sisters best friend but honestly I don't think anyone could ignore that. He tried not to look at where he wanted to, feeling it was disrespectful.
"How long have you been her sister" he stupidly asked and immediately realised what he said after. I laughed as did he at his question. "Sorry stupid question" he laughed and faced me again, our eyes meeting as if fate wanted them to. There was undeniable tension between us, that I think we were both trying our hardest to ignore. He slowly took a step in my direction, making the distance between us shorter. His eyes facing mine and mine facing down.
"Would you like to dance" he asked, holding his hand out, grabbing my attention. I head pinged up and my eyes immediately met his. I smiled and nodded and I placed my hand in his. His hands were soft and a lot bigger than mine. Intrusive sexual thoughts rushed through my head. He guided me to where everyone was dancing by lightly pulling me by where our hands met. As we got onto the dance floor, he left go of my hands and bravely took my waist into his hands.
"You know how to dance?" He asked with a smile. I playfully rolled my eyes at his question.
"Of course" I replied. I gripped my hands at the back of his neck and swung my hips back and fourth. He followed my motions and pulled out body closer together so our bodies were touching. I lightly grinded on him and I saw his eyes light up. His hands following my hip movements.
"Seriously" I heard Lexi say and me and Stefan immediately backed away from each other. "I leave you for two seconds and your getting it on with my sister" she said and sarcastically shook her head and tutted at him. "Stefan Salvatore, I expected better" she sarcastically lectured him. He laughed and his cheeks went a slight red as he looked up at me from the floor. "Hey but feel free carry on" she laughed and walked away to get a drink. We both looked back up from the floor and laughed about what happened. He slowly walked back to me, his eyes keeping me prisoner.
"You look beautiful" he complimented as he hand placed itself on my waist and his other hand caressed my hair. I blushed and smiled at his compliment.
"Don't look too bad yourself' I joked, making him laugh. We got back to dancing and the time flew by when I was with him.

Hours had gone past and many drinks had been drank. Me and Stefan were in the kitchen on our own, getting more drinks. When I turned around from looking in the fridge he was in front of me. His lips mini metres away from mine, I froze. My mouth watered at the thought of him kissing me. His hand stroked my cheek softly before he leant down and his lips touched mine. My whole body tingled, the feel of his frame leaning on me as his arms wrapped around me felt nearly forbidden. He pulled me in, claiming my mouth, hungry and intense. By the time I became aware of her fingers, they had already slipped under his shirt, his skin smooth and radiating heat. But that didn't stop him, but only spurred him on. As if time had stopped right there, he brung my legs up, picking me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. As if glued to one another, our body ached for one another. As if no one else existed and there was no risk of my sister watching from behind the people. And for Stefan, he had never been shy to begin with. He began to walk me out the kitchen and up his stairs, assuming into his bedroom.

Once we got into his bedroom, he kicked the door shut, not breaking the kiss we held. When the door was shut, he placed me down on the bed softly, unsure of my boundaries. I backed up onto his bed until his headboard stopped me, he soon crawled over me. He towered over me and caged me in with his arms from the sides of me. He leant down as if he was about to kiss me but just stared into my eyes deeply. Impatient, I tugged at the rim of his shirt and without a second thought he ripped it off his body and I watched in amazement. He hungrily kisses me after he threw his tore shirt onto the floor. His hand slipped up my dress, parting my legs as my dress bunched up at my waist. Through my underwear, he applied a soft pressure to my clothes clit, making my mouth hang open. He dived back in to kiss me and I struggled to kiss back as his finger circled my clothed clit. I reached down between our bodies and tugged at his trousers, making him snicker at my neediness. With his free hand, he pulled his trousers down his legs as I brought my dress up my body and over my head, throwing it on the floor as he did his trousers. Leaving us both in just underwear, he moved the cloth aside and rubbed my swollen clit.
"Stefan" I whined as he brought himself back to my lips, humming above them. I felt his erection press into my stomach as his body touched mine. His hand left my core and reached for the back of my bra, I slightly lifted my back for him to unclasp my bra and tare it off my body. And that's exactly what he did, leaving my chest bare. His eyes beamed as he sipped down and immediately sucked my left nipple. My hand found the back of his head, tangling itself in his hair. Moans emitted my mouth as his mouth worked wonders on me. He gave the other boob the same treatment and then moved to kissing me again. I tugged at his boxers and without a second thought he pulled them down his legs in a rush. He reached between out bodies and lined his dick up with my entrance. I gave him a nod of permission and he slowly thrusted himself inside me.
"Stefan" I breathed as I threw my head back. His hand snaked down to my clit and as soon as
his fingers connected with it, he harshly rubbed it.
"Oh god" I whimpered as my eyes fluttered shut. Moans left his mouth as his thrusts got faster. As his thrusts got harder I felt him dig into my g stop causing me to whine out his name again. A smug smile appeared across his face as his breathing got thicker.
"Right there princess" he said between groans. In response I nodded while biting my lip, unable to form words. His fingers got faster rubbing harsh figures of eight on my clit and his thrusts got sloppier. He continued to dig into the same spot, edging me closer to my orgasm. I clenched my walls around him, making him whimper. He could hear my breathing getting shallow and my heart beat going faster. I was moaning and whining uncontrollably, my face laced in pleasure. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I tipped my head back,
"Uhuh princess, keep those pretty eyes open for me" he said, his voice contoured with domination. He could tell I was about to cum but when I looked up at him asking for permission ,he smirked and nodded his head. I came undone under his body,
"Fuck Stefan" I whined loudly as he came over his dick. My orgasm triggered his and he came deep inside me as he continued to slowly thrust into me, finishing up both off.
"Shit y/n" he groaned as his head tilted back and his mouth hung open. My orgasm washed over me as his did him. Once we had high finished he pulled out and collapsed onto my body, both out of breathe. We both caught our breath, him faster than me.

After a couple minutes he propped himself up on his elbows and looked at me as I looked to him, my legs limp.
"We best get back to the party before Lexi wonders where we went" he said, laughing slightly.

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭Where stories live. Discover now