chapter 4

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Karl's pov

I made 8 cuts when I decided anymore would make too much of a mess. I went to the bathroom and went to leave until I heard foot steps behind me.

"Karl?" I heard the voice of the person that saved me last night he was right behind me "yes" I said Shakely "what's on the floor is it blood" there was a long pause "Karl turn around" I sighed and turned back to look at him "Karl roll up your sleeves" ok I can do that so I rolled up my sleeves "alright now roll up your pants" no I cant do that, I heard him sigh "ok Karl just let me bandage them up" I nodded and he pulled some stuff out from under the sink.

"alright can I see" I rolled up my pants his eyes widened, I don't blame him I had been cutting for 4 and a half years, he started wiping my cuts off with a wet paper towel "ow ow don't do that please" he stopped "Karl I have to they'll get infected if I don't" he said "ok so what if they do" he finished cleaning my cuts only stopping for a few seconds anytime I said ow.

"alright" he picked me up "lets get to bed" I nodded "wait my dad he'll be mad if I don't get home soon" I really didn't wanna go home but know my dad would know if I showed up a school and he would take me home and beat me.

"no Karl I know what's going on at home" how did how di- right I said it on the bridge, he put me down on the couch and he went to his room. I waited for a door to shut and when it did I snuck out the front door I know if I go home no I won't be hit as bad or I think.

(just some clarification Karl does not want to go home but he knows his dad will come looking for him if he finds out Karl is back at school which Karl will go to with sapnap Karl thinks he'll beat Karl worse, Karl's dad is mentality ill and has convinced Karl that he isn't valid and has caused him to think that it's his fault and he deserves this.)

once I arrived home I could see that my dad was still up because I could see his shadow through the curtains I slowly walked up to the door and opened it "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" my dad grabbed my neck and started shaking me "I-I ca-n't breath" he let me drop on the floor "now WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU" He yelled as I started shaking "I was at the bridge and  a-and I" he knelt down "stop...STUTTERING IT'S SO FUCKING ANNOYING" he punched me and I felt and heard my nose crack.

"I went to ju-" I kept explaining "SHUT UP I DON'T CARE ANYMORE" he kicked my chest I screamed in pain. he kept stomping on my chest and stomach ignoring my cries for him to stop once I stopped crying out in pain and pretended to faint he stopped but kicked me one more time before leaving the house probably to go to the bar but as soon as the the door shut I heard someone scream "PUT YOUR HANDS UP I WON'T HESITATE TO SHOOT YOU" was that a cop?!

I walked outside and it was a cop, the cop had a gun pointed at my dad "WAIT" I yelled "don't take him he's not bad I promise" I plead I did want him to get arrested but I couldn't go anywhere else I'm too old for foster care and I have one friend that lives in Mexico (quackity) but we haven't talked in months since my dad smashed my phone.

The boy that saved me earlier emerged from behind the cop cars "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN HE'S 'not bad' WHEN I LIFTED UP YOUR SHIRT YOU HAD 6 MAYBE 7 BRUISES JUST ON YOUR TORSO" the boy yelled back at me.

he was right but where was I supposed to go, the boy walked up to me "come on lets go" he took my hand and pulled me all the way to his house "you must be so tired come you can sleep in my bed" he began dragging me to his room "what's your name" I asked "nick, but call me sapnap"

(I hate using their real names it just makes me cringe It's fine if you use it ig but only if the person is ok with you using their real name I just can't tho)   

'sapnap that's interesting' I thought to myself, when we reached his room he told me to take off my shoes so I did then he helped me into his bed then laid down on the other side (its a king sized bed btw) I was to tired to care and fell asleep.

A/N hey sorry that this took a while to come out I haven't been doing well anyway hope someone enjoys this as much as I enjoy having something to do instead of sleep.

The night I saved you||karlnapWhere stories live. Discover now