chapter 7

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A/N again @sTrAiGhTnotfoound helped me with this again thank you, also I'm on my phone so sorry if anything looks weird

TW hospital, coma mentions and other trigger warning are in previous chapters

Karl's pov

When I woke up I realized it was Monday and we had to get to school.

I turned over to where sapnap was but he wasn't there so I stood up to go find him, I walked into the kitchen where sapnap was making breakfast. He looked over to me "oh hey Karl I was about to come wake your up" he smiled I nodded and sat down at the table, he placed a plate in front of me and looked down at me "Karl I know that you dont wanna eat but can you try to eat some of it" I nodded even though I was gonna end up puking it up in the bathroom. I ate a few bites then said I was done "I'm proud of you for eating that much" "why I didn't even eat half" sapnap smiled at me and said "because you ate something".

We both needed to shower so he went first while I looked for his spare backpack and books. Once sapnap was done I just adjusted the temperature since he left it on for me and waited a sec for sapnap to leave and I bent over the toilet stuck 2 fingers down mu throat and for a second it was just me gagging but finally I puked my food up "Karl can I come in really quick I need something I won't look" sapnap called from outside, the door was unlocked and the handle turned.

Sapnap pov

I opened the door and and saw Karl leaning over the toilet a mix of spit and puke dribbling down his chin, I grabbed the towel that sits on the counter and went to wipe Karl's chin off "hey can you look up for me" Karl shook his head as tears started to run down his face "hey it's ok everyone makes mistakes" I said while trying to get him to look up "I wanna be normal" Karl whispered while soft sobs were falling from his lips "hey Karl it's ok I'll help you through this" I cleaned up his chin and left the bathroom so he could shower.

Once Karl was out of the shower and dressed we headed to school.

"Ok Karl just come find me if you need anything also we have the same lunch so come sit with me I'm sure dream wouldn't mind" I told Karl but he seemed like he didn't wanna be with dream so I'll just tell dream to eat with George who sits with the other students but other then that Karl nodded and started heading to class'

~time skip~

Once I started heading to my first period after lunch I saw Karl run into the bathroom he had eaten almost his whole lunch so I knew what was happening until I saw 2 people go in after him it was dream and someone named Jayson so I hoped they would stop Karl, I kept walking to class and when I arrived the teacher told me to sit in the back then the lesson started.

Karl pov

I walked into the bathroom so I could puke up the food sapnap made me eat at lunch but as soon as I entered the bathroom I heard a laugh behind me, I turned around and was met with a fist to the face "aww look at the little baby is he gonna cry" I heard the familiar voice of Jayson say "I'm not crying" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek that punch hurt like hell "awww look he's crying" dream said as he bent down to squat in front of me "I heard sapnap trying to get you to eat at lunch" he told me Jayson walking uo behind him "aww the baby thinks it's hard to eat" Jayson grabbed my ear pulling me up and pushing me in a stall "go on fatty throw it up" I stuck 2 fingers down my throat and startes gagging my throat had already hurt from puking this morning this made it hurt so much worse "hurry the fuck up we don't wanna be here all day" Jayson semi yelled seeming angry that I couldn't forcefully puke faster.

Once I had puked everything I could up Jayson said "well I guess were done for now after school meet up behind the 7 11 across the street at lets say 6pm" I nodded as they left well at least I can skip dinner.

~another time skip cuz I'm lazy~

Once the school day was over I went home with sapnap it was about 4pm so I still had 2 hours until I had to leave so I asked sapnap if he wanted to watch a movie, "hey sappy?" he looked over at me "is that a bruise?" he asked carefully reaching forward to touch my face.

I flinched and he pulled his hand back "where?" I questioned he pulled out his phone and went to his camera "look" he flipped the phone twords me and there was in fact a bruise starting to form on my right cheek.

"Oh it is why?" Sapnap reached to grab my hand "who did it Karl" he asked with a stern look on his face "I don't remember" I lied "Karl" he squeezed my hand "fine it was dream and Jayson" I whispered "what else did they do and or say" I started crying repeating the words Jayson said "go on fatty throw it up". Sapnap lifted me up seeming to struggle they were right I'm to fat for even sapnap to carry "come on Karl lets get you a snack" no please sapnap I've puked enough times today my throat hurts.

Sapnap pov

Karl started crying so I picked him up he was a little taller then me so I struggled for a sec "come on Karl lets get you a snack" I felt Karl shake his head he needed to eat, I know if dream and Jayson hit him they didn't help him not throw up "Karl I know you threw up in the bathroom today" he just moved his head into the crook of my neck and continued crying.

Once we made it to the kitchen Karl looked at the time and said he had to go.

Karl pov (sorry for the switches)

Sapnap let me go to meet dream and Jayson even though he didnt know it was them, I left the house and headed off to the 7 11.

Once I was there Jayson grabbed my hoodies hood and pushed me into a wall "you know Jayson thats kinda gay" dream said emerging from a darkened spot behind the building with that Jayson let me go and backed up "hmm have you eaten anything today fatty" dream said almost replacing Jaysons spot just a little farther away from me, I shook my head and dream punched me "I need words" He yelled "no not since lunch then I threw it up" he slammed my head into the wall behind me "I know we had to stand there and watch to make sure you threw it all up".

Sapnap pov (sorry again)

I was following Karl but I was pretty far behind because I stepped on a few leaves and sticks alerting Karl and making him turn around, once I made it to where he was I heard crying it was definitely Karl.

I ran over to the noise and there was Karl crying with Jayson holding his hands to the wall while dream beating the shit out of him "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING DREAM WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO" I yelled, dream turned to look at me "why do you care so much about this freak who cant even stomach a sandwich with out puking" he went back to hitting Karl. I ran to Karl and pushed Jayson off of Karl and Karl fell to the ground he passed out, I slowly placed him away from the 2 but as I turned around Jayson punched me in the face.

Dream and Jayson started hitting me until I heard sirens they ran away but anything after that I dont remember I passed out.

When I woke up I was in a hospital room Karl was sitting in a hospital chair, asleep, his skin was realy pale and he had huge eye bags.

A doctor walked into the room a few minutes later before calling out to a nurse, a nurse walked in and quickly started asking me things until she stopped and asked "how long do you think you've been asleep" I thought about it for a sec until I said "like 12 hours" she looked down and said "sir you've been in a coma for nine months"

A/N damn sorry for not posting but this took 2 days to write hope you liked it

1524 words long boi

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