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I stood outside the liquor store with Cherry and Coca-Cola flavored slushies in both hands. They were starting to melt a bit and my hands began to get cold. In the distance, I could see a small figure walking towards me waving. I waved back at the figure, focusing to see who it was. I saw it was Lily, my best friend.

"Hey!" Lily yelled she wasn't far but far away so that I couldn't see her face. She came up to me and took the slushie from my hand panting. She took a long sip. "Hey... Oh god I'm tired," she said panting while taking another sip. I giggled. "How bout we get to walking to calm yourself down a bit?" I said and she nodded as we began walking towards the woods.

I again felt the same feeling like last night. Like I was being watched. I just brushed it off and kept walking while sipping on my slushie. "So what are the plans for this summer? You know it's getting closer?" Lily asked me while looking in front of her. "Well if we're gonna do things for the summer I think we should have a plan for the summer. Like a bucket list!'' I said excitedly. She stopped in her tracks and looked at me, her eyes widened. "What?" I asked worriedly. "YOU ARE SO SMART!" she yelled loud for anyone in the woods to hear.


"Alright well, I gotta get home you wanna walk with me, or is your brother picking you up?" I asked her. "Uh... I'm going to call him too tired to walk home,'' she replied. I nodded and gave her a hug and said our goodbyes and did our secret handshake. I began walking through the woods on a small dirt trail that led into Scotts street and his street was two streets from mine.

The breeze was getting colder by the minute. Tonight was going to be cold for sure. I kept walking when I tripped and let out a small yelp. I fell flat on my stomach and my chin hit the dirt I quickly got up and felt something warm trickle down my neck. I looked down and saw blood. I held my hand up to it. I finally made it to my house I opened the door. And saw my mom sitting on the couch watching her favorite TV show with the dog. She always sat with dad but I guess they were mad. "Hey mom'' I said. She said hi back and I went up to my room to get my chin fixed up.


I sat on my bed finishing up some missing assignments. I sighed as I turned in my last one. I looked over at my phone to see If I had any texts from anyone and of course I didn't. I went to take a shower. After I got out I began to brush my hair out. I heard my phone buzz. I walked over with the brush in my hand brushing out the tangled tips of my hair. I looked down at the phone and saw the message from Lily: I might not come to school tomorrow so don't be worried if I don't make it. I sighed and turned my phone off and went downstairs to get a snack.  

My mom was cleaning the kitchen "Hey you hungry?" she asked me. I nodded yes and took a seat on the stool next to the island. "Well your father isn't coming home tonight he has a huge meeting and left town he will be back by tomorrow afternoon,'' she said in a rather stern voice. "Are you mad?" I asked her while picking at my nails. "Of course I'm mad. Y/n he just called and said "Sorry I'm not gonna be home till tomorrow afternoon bye" what kind of explanation was that?" she said throwing her arms up. "Well instead of being here complaining about it why don't you call him?" I said. "Alright, I'll call him later. What do you wanna eat?'' she asked calmly this time. "How about we order takeout?" I asked with a smirk. "Fine!" she said in a funny tone and went to grab her phone out of her purse that sat on the counter behind her. 


It was now 8:00 pm I was sat on my bed finishing up an art project while listening to AC/DC. I stood up to go downstairs to get a new fill of clean water to clean my brushes with. I turned on the faucet and my body shivered as the cold water began to run quickly I emptied out the dirty paint water and filled it halfway with clean water. I felt like I was being watched again so I turn around and see Ruffus my chocolate lab. He was sitting down wagging his tail with big eyes I smiled in relief because I thought somebody was there. I crouched down to pet him. "Come one bub let's go!" I said and ran up the stairs to my room and jumped on the bed as did Ruffes. 

After a while, I cleaned up my painting mess and got under the covers to cuddle with Ruffus since he loved cuddles. I texted Scott to tell him to walk with me in the morning since Lily wasn't going to make it. 

Me: Hey Scott can you walk with me tomorrow morning I'm not sure Lily is coming.

Scott: Sure:) Oh, also I'm bringing bagels for us tomorrow so your lucky!

Me: Alright They sound delicious! Goodnight and thx:) 

Scott: yea no prob Goodnight!:) 

Then I turned off my phone and headed to bed while cuddling next to Ruffus. 

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