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  I woke up this morning with so much energy partly because I was going to eat a nice warm bagel while walking to school. I decided to wear a nice hoodie that said BOSTON and had a nice baby blue color to it paired with some baggy pants and white converse. I walked downstairs to a nice smell of coffee. "Hey, sweetie do you want me to drop you off?" My mom said while sipping on her coffee. "Uh, no thanks mom I'm actually walking with Scott today since lily isn't coming to school today." I said as I walked over to her and gave her a forehead kiss and she gave me one in return. "alright stay safe and have a good day today I'm also coming home a little later than usual." she said and I nodded and headed out the door. 

I saw Scott standing there with two bagels. I walked over to him. "OMG, thank you so much for this words cannot describe how much I love you!" I said excitedly. "Oh, why thank you!" Scott said. I looked up at him and furrowed my brows. "Oh I wasn't talking about you I was talking about the bagel but thanks anyway! I said and began laughing so, did he. 

We walked to school and walked in and began walking through the halls when the bell rang we walked to our classes his was right across from mine so we said our goodbyes and left for our classes I walked into mine and saw that Lily was indeed not here. So I sat in the very back. I set my backpack down and sighed as I pulled out my textbook and flipped it to the page we had previously been on in our last class. 

"Alright, class today we are going to watch a movie for the rest of today's class BUT only because I forgot my own teacher's textbook." Mr. Andrews spoke loudly as he took a couple of minutes setting up the projector. "Alright we got two choices it's either AntMan or Highschool Musical." Mr. Andrews said. Everyone said Antman of course I mean who would want to watch some cheesy high school musical romance? Not me. 


"Hey so why didn't lily come to school?" Scott asked as he stuffed his face with a spoonful of mashed potatoes. "Um... Honestly, I'm not sure she said it out of nowhere she never even says it like that but I have no idea." I said furrowing my brows. "Mhm. Well, that's weird of her. Hey wheres your necklace?" He said pointing to my bare neck. "OMG. No please don't tell me I lost it oh god no!" I said with worry. "Hey chill out it must have fallen somewhere just retrace your steps that's what I do when I lose my phone but then end up finding it in my back pocket'' he said with a giggle. I only smiled still being worried. I began to think where it could have fallen... Oh, know where when I tripped in the woods ill just go to the liquor and stop for a slushie and go look for it easy. 


I left and said my goodbyes to Scott and began walking to the liquor store to buy me a slushie and head out to look for my necklace. As I kept walking I had the same feeling I was being watched but never looked back because I knew I was just paranoid. Once I stepped inside the liquor store I bought my slushie and headed towards the woods. But the farther I went down the path the worse it smelt like a dead animal there I began walking some more and it was so muddy. My converse were getting dirty but I didn't care that necklace means the world to me. I kept walking and the smell only got worse. 

Until I came to a stop and saw the most horrifying thing anyone could ever see... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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