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That's right guys!!! Five Night's At Freddy's 3 Demo has been released! It was released March 2! Although it should be March 3 when I upload this...
I have watched a few people play it so far like: Markiplier, and Smike. So go check out those two channels and subscribe!
Anyways, I watched it and it is TOTALLY different from the last two games! And totally new jumpscares and noises!
Both of those youtubers had no idea what to do so its really hard. Now there is a new phone guy, a new animatronic, new rooms, new cameras, new equipment, and a new building!
The jumpscares are really cool, you've seen the one in the trailer, but there is new ones that will scare you yet not kill you! Also, there is multiple ways to die just by ONE animatronic! There is so many things to keep up with too!
Well, yeah! Go check that out on youtube! I would recommend Markiplier on Youtube! He made it the furthest in the game so far so yeah! Lol!
I am so happy! It's so hard just on the 2nd night imagine what it's like on the 5th! Or even the 6th or 20 mode (if there is one)!

So what do you guys think about this? Are you excited? Have you watched people play the game yet? Are you going to buy the game and play it yourself?

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