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Cook, study, clean, fashion, sleep , be a hero, and be fun. She was tired, and stressed, and most of all overwelhmed. Her parents always told her, she was her own worst enemy and that she pushed herself to much.

Yet she never relented in her version of self perfection.

It was with the upcoming celebration at the school that finally broke her, it was to celebrate chole....ugh!

She cried from sheer lack of sleep and alone time that night along with the fear of dissapointing everybody, in her mind unless she was busy and useful. People would hate her, it was an unhealthy train of thought carved into her at a young age.

She perfered not to think about it.

The flap was heard too late, and she felt her emotions divide into 7 peices. 

Now she could do everything! They could do everything!

They had finally achived total self perfection.

The next day her parents where confused to see 3 of their daughter cleaning, sewing, and cooking. Then found a third upstairs sleeping. 2 of them as well going to school. They knew the pressure their duaghter put on herself was too much!

And know they had to pay for not helping her enough!

Adrein the next day was bombarded with hugs and cuddles from marinette, while the other one blushed and continued to study.

To say he was flustered and confused was an understatement.

Just what had happened to the sweet marinette he knew?

Akumatized Adrinette~  OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now