Chapter Seven: Small Truths

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(Natasha's POV)

"You mean to tell me that in the past five months you've managed to befriend a werewolf? And you didn't think it was important to tell anyone?" Fury was pressing his knuckles into his desk so hard that they were starting to pale. He was furious, and when Fury was furious, it wasn't a good situation for anyone. I sighed and shook my head.

"It wasn't like that," I began. His one good eye glared at me. He sat down at his desk, motioning to the chair across from him. I sat lightly on the edge.

"Please, Agent Romanoff," he offered, "enlighten me." I smirked, unable to help myself, and his eyebrow raised expectantly. I took a minute, collecting my thoughts before speaking.

"After the battle of New York, you ordered the opening and expansion of Project Inquest." He was with me so far; he slightly nodded his head. "I called you and asked you about following up on a potential asset?" He leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on the desk, looking at me intently.

"The asset you were investigating was a werewolf. I think that's relevant to mention." I sighed and shook my head.

"I didn't know, Director. I found out at the same time you did."

"A bit earlier than I did, it appears." He frowned. "Do you want to tell me what you were doing in there?" I paused for a moment.

"From what I've experienced with Claray over the past few months of observation, she didn't seem to pose a threat." Fury's eyebrow cocked up at me again.

"That's not what the agents on the mission last night told me." It was a statement, not a question. I leaned forward in my chair, getting closer.

"It could easily have attacked me last night, but it didn't." I shrugged. "The other wolf lunged at me, and it...she...saved me." Fury sat back in his chair again, his brow furrowed as if deep in thought.

"I'm sending Clint in to question her with Maria." He decided, rising to his feet. I jumped to mine as well.

"I'd like to observe." I felt uneasy about leaving Claray alone with other Shield agents, even though one of them was my best friend. Fury nodded.

"Behind the glass, Romanoff." I nodded, turning to leave. "Natasha." I turned back around to face him. "Don't let that happen again." I nodded again, not trusting my mouth to speak, then sped out of the office towards the interrogation rooms. I dialed Clint's number and got no answer. Shit.

(Claray's POV)

I was escorted out of the room that housed my cell by a group of armed Shield agents down the hall, up an elevator to a small room with a mirror on one side. Had to be two-way glass, I expected. The agents were perfectly polite - possibly a little too polite but were definitely looking for the slightest display of aggression. I sat down in a chair on the far side of the table, still wrapped securely in the blanket that Natasha had given me. Natasha. I felt an ache in my chest. I wanted to still be angry at her, but there were no signs that she wasn't telling me the truth. She had maintained eye contact, kept her answers simple, and hadn't provided an overly detailed explanation, all signs of dishonesty in human beings. I sighed, wrapping my arms around myself both for warmth and for security. She couldn't have found some sweatpants or something? I looked up as the door opened with a shrill creak. A dirty blond, fit man walked in, followed by a slightly older woman who looked vaguely familiar. I narrowed my eyes.

"Claray Ridel, I am Agent Barton," the man explained as he approached the table, sitting across from me. The dark-haired woman stood in the corner, watching.

"I want to get out of here." I was done playing nice with strangers. Waking up in a glass box surrounded by the employees of a secret agency did not bring out the politeness in my demeanor. He raised his eyebrows.

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