Chapter Thirty-Three: Unexpected Friends

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(Claray's POV):

While Shuri, Natasha, Ayo, and me were all in the lab watching Shuri work, all our Kimono beads started beeping – aside from Natasha, who didn't have them. She frowned, confused, as the three of us placed our hands together, seeing a holographic image of T'Challa in our palms. "Shuri, we have incoming," he spoke softly. "A couple of guests are arriving, and Natasha and Claray will most likely want to see them." We rose almost in unison and headed back towards' the palace's landing pad. As we arrived, a familiar shape was just landing, and Natasha and I watched as Steve and Bucky descended the ramp. I felt Natasha tense beside me just slightly, and I grabbed her hand in reassurance. Steve and T'Challa shook hands, and the prince gestured to us. Natasha and I both gave Steve a quick hug, then turned our attention to the much-subdued Winter Soldier.

"The information Hydra used to brainwash him is still in there," Steve was explaining. "We'd like to get it out." The prince nodded his understanding, consulting briefly with Shuri.

"We could potentially put him back on ice until we could..." The princess was offering. I stepped closer and raised my hand.

"I can get it out." All eyes turned towards me expectantly. "I can work with him to remove the brainwashing by giving him a crash course in resisting mind control." A smile ghosted over Bucky's face before he glanced past me towards Natasha.

"I do recognize you, you know," he said softly. His voice was gentle, betraying the actions we all knew him to be capable of. "If you could help, I'd be most grateful," he turned towards me. I shook his outstretched hand graciously, offering him a smile as well. He smirked, remembering something. "While we work, we can have that talk you think you owe me," the smile widened across my face and I clapped him on the shoulder.

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed. We walked towards the palace entrance, Steve and Natasha catching up on events since they last spoke, Shuri and I talking strategy, and Bucky and T'Challa walked behind us, barely able to get a word in edgewise.

(Natasha's POV):

Steve and I stayed in Wakanda for a couple of days while Claray got Bucky settled in and began working with him on removing the brainwashing that Hydra implanted. It was a slow and tedious process, but it was remarkable watching the two of them work together. Bucky seemed to open up to her in a way that even Steve found surprising, and whether it was due to her particular knowledge of being different and excluded, or her ability to calm and soothe the soldier when tensions heightened, I was happy to see the two of them getting along. I was resting in her room late one night when she finally stumbled in, laughing to see me spread out on her bed with my eyes closed, relishing the opportunity to relax. I sat up, leaning on my elbows, looking at the hybrid expectantly.

"How did it go?" I asked, smiling over at the beautiful woman in front of me. Claray returned the smile, but I could see the exhaustion behind her eyes.

"He's doing better so far, but it's hard for him," she explained, flopping down stomach-first on the bed, rubbing her temples with her fingers. I sat up, scratching her scalp slightly with my nails. She sighed happily.

"I'm glad you're able to help him, but I've got to say – he's taking up a lot of your time. Should I be jealous?" Claray rolled over onto her side, staring at me incredulously.

"You'd better watch your mouth, Romanoff," she grinned at me wickedly.

"I think I'm alright, you're too tired to do anything about it anyway," I snarked, teasing her. Quicker than I could process what was happening, Claray was straddling my hips, leaning down over me with her hands planted on either side of my head.

"Want to bet?" She whispered. All trace of exhaustion had vanished from her face as if by sheer force of will. I traced my fingertips lightly up her thighs over her pants, grinning up at her.

"Bucky may need you," I teased. The hybrid growled lowly in warning.

"The Winter Soldier can chill on ice for a bit," she grumbled, leaning down and lightly kissing just below my ear. I squirmed under her unconsciously at the contact.

"What are you going to do about it?" She removed her lips from my neck, sitting up and staring down at me, her eyes bright and shining.

"Better question is what won't I do?" She grabbed my hands in both of hers, entwining our fingers, pinning my hands above my head carefully. I stared up at her, a smirk teasing the corner of my lips.

"Bring it on," I whispered, goading her. She growled again before attaching her lips to mine roughly. It was going to be a long night.


The next morning, Steve and I were saying goodbye to Bucky, Claray, and the Wakandans as we headed off on our own. Steve mentioned breaking the others out of the raft, which Claray was all for. He refused her offer of help, however, wanting to keep her out of it as much as possible. Claray was going to stay in Wakanda and continue to help Bucky, and her and Shuri were still fitting and refining her suit to be fully functional. As I turned towards her, I couldn't help the sting of tears at the corner of my eyes, not knowing when I would see her again. She smiled at me, pulling me into her chest for a hug, lingering for several moments before relinquishing her hold. She kissed me on the cheek, whispering into my ear, causing involuntary shivers to travel throughout my body. "I love you, leannan." I buried my face in her neck, squeezing tight.

"I love you too, принцесса." She pulled back, smacking me lightly in the arm over the nickname.

"tha thu ann an trioblaid (you're in trouble)," she grinned. I smirked in response.

"What kind of trouble?" Her eyebrows raised unexpectedly. "You've been busy, so I've been practicing," I explained, giggling at her shocked reaction.

"И я тоже. (So have I.)" now it was my turn to blush and flash a shocked expression.

"Is there anything you can't actually do?" I asked, incredulous.

"посмотрим (we will see)." I shook my head, smiling. Shuri approached, hugging me tightly.

"We'll take good care of her, Natasha," I nodded my head gratefully.

"I know you will," I squeezed the princess once more before Steve and I climbed into the jet, raising my hand in one last farewell before settling into our seats and heading into the unknown.

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