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After Kenny being taken to the asylum and the murder of a classmate everyone was on edge
Especially Tweek who was already jittery because of all the coffee he drank

Tweek had woke up later than usual and had missed the bus so he decided to walk taking a short cut to school
While walking past a small stone well Tweek heard a faint yet familiar voice
"Hello" Tweek said wary
"Is someone there" the voice asked
"Where are you" Tweek asked
"I'm in the well" the voice said
Tweek walked over to the well and looked down it
"Are you hurt" Tweek asked
there was no reply
"Hello" Tweek said leaning closer
no reply
Tweek leaned a little closer
"Are you okay down there" Tweek asked
There was still no reply
Tweek turned to get help but tripped over his own foot
He fell down the well but something broke his fall
Tweek turned to see what he was lying on
"Oh God Wendy!" Tweek said panicked
"Are you ok Wendy" Tweek asked
Wendy didn't reply
Tweek checked for a heart beat but there was nothing
"Oh God I can't believe this" he said before fainting
He woke up two days later to a bright sun
"Oh Jesus" he said seeing Wendy's dead body
Tweek started to notice things he hadn't a couple days ago
Wendy had two broken legs probably from the fall but something much worse had obviously happened to her
Wendy was missing two fingers, a couple teeth, her left eye, and had multiple stab wonds
"What happened to you" Tweek asked

After two weeks Tweek started to get really hungry and Wendy started to look really tasty
"It wouldn't hurt to have a little bite right" Tweek asked himself
He then grabbed her arm and took a bite
"It can't hurt her she's already dead and it's so tasty" Tweek said talking to himself
A whole month had gone by and still no one had passed by the well
Tweek had fallen fast asleep when he felt something fall on him
Tweek woke up to find a body on him
"Bebe" he said shocked
Tweek noticed Bebe had obviously got it a lot better than Wendy had
Bebe was missing three fingers, two toes, and only had one stab wond
He laughed and then bit into her leg slowly eating the rest of her
After another month Tweek heard people talking
"Help me" Tweek shouted
"Is someone down there" the person asked
"Yes please call for help" Tweek shouted
The police, ambulance and fire department came shortly after with a rope
When Tweek was lifted out of the well he was bombarded with questions
"Is there anyone else down there?"
"Not anyone alive" Tweek said
"How long were you down there?"
"Around 61 days"
"Are you injured at all?"
"Why are you covered in blood?"
"I ate two dead people while in the well" Tweek said
There was silence then Tweek was put into a cop car till a white van came to take him
"Hello my name is Dale I have a couple things to tell you" Dale said
After a talk with Dale Tweek was taken to a new secure section with multiple keypads

The next day he saw Kenny at breakfast
They soon saw another familiar face

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