Packing all his things into one small bag, Longwei looked around. The cave where he was living for three years already kept so many memories. Memories of his solitude and his freedom, of his courage and cowardice. But still, it was just a cold cave, there was nothing except the big stones which served as the furniture.
For three years, Longwei after the life among the others, was finally all by himself. He had time to read ancient books which were stolen from the library, he had time to write and dream about many things. Here, there was only wilderness. Even though to survive was really hard sometimes. But still he was happy here. Or maybe he thought so.
Looking back, he took his bag and nodded his head. Wearing his cotton black pants and fur jacket he wasn't feeling cold, he was feeling the hatred but the thought about his father was keeping him calm.
Ye-Ying who was waiting for him outside the cave said, "We should go now."
Leaving his solitude behind, Longwei headed towards his and only his destiny.
"Brother Longwei! Brother Longwei!" The loud and happy voice welcomed Longwei once he stepped to the small village with many small houses. Even though the voice was very loud, but Longwei did not see anyone around.
Holding the heavy bag in his hand he stepped forward.
The small village with very small wooden houses was very cozy. Here, among these houses everything was calm. No wind or blizzard. Complete silence.
"So this is where all soldiers of the First clan live. Not so bad. Not so bad…"
Ye-Ying who was stepping like a giant replied, "This is not your cave. You won't be able to sleep or read here."
"Don't scare me Master. And anyway, I won't be long here. Soon I will leave this place."
"Don't say it if it is not happened yet."
"But it will happen."
Suddenly feeling someone's strong hands on his neck and the next moment feeling someone's heavy body on himself, Longwei shouted, "Who is it?"
"Brother Longwei! Finally you are here!"
Hugging him from behind, almost choking him, someone's loud voice screamed so loudly that everyone went out of their houses.
"Who are you? Your voice is so familiar."
Jumping out from behind, a young man, almost the same age like Longwei, with a very happy and cheerful face exclaimed, "Brother Longwei! It is me! Me Baofeng-Xue!"
Happily smiling, revealing all his perfectly white teeth, he embraced Longwei. "I am so happy to see you! So happy!"
Longwei who was surprised did not say anything. After all, he perfectly knew who it was this Baofeng-Xue. When he was a child, they were a good friends. As children, they often played together and chased wild birds. But now, after so many years, he was seeing him for the first time.
Baofeng-Xue holding his both hands looked at Ye-Ying and happily said, "He is my best friend. We grew up together. He is almost my brother. I am so happy. You can't imagine how much I am happy."
Stepping a little further, Longwei put his bag to the ground. Looking at his old friend from head to toe he finally said, "You have changed a lot. You are a real soldier now. But still, how much time had passed your eyes are still keeping the happiness and your face is bright like the hidden Sun. How did you manage to keep your cheerfulness like this?"
"I am just always thinking positively. That is the secret."
Looking at his dark green eyes, at his reddish cheeks and at his beautiful long hair which was like a silk, Longwei clapped his hands and said, "When you were a child you were so ugly. But now, you have become a real beauty. What is the secret? Also positivity?!"