Wake Up

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~~Annabeth's POV~~

I awoke to over a hundred pounds of weight on my stomach, "ACK!" I yelled, shoving Percy off me. He giggled, "Percy, you Seaweedbrain!" I clutched my stomach, grumbling about him being an idiot.

"She's awake!" Percy shouted down the latter, "Come on, Phil's made breakfast!" He jumped down the latter, landing swiftly on his feet, I followed shortly after, already wide awake, somehow.

I smiled at the smell of pancakes and thick honey, the scent of bacon drifting through the cold cabin air. Phil, Tommy, Ranboo, and a man with faded pink hair all sat at the table, they had pulled it away from the wall and added a chair, "Good morning," The pinkette muttered, his monotone voice reaching me, even though he was speaking softly. He was the only face in the room that didn't look kind, gnarly scars twisting on his face, burns peppered on one of his cheeks, "So glad you could join us." He set the white coffee cup he was holding on the table and stood, walking over to me. He was easily half a foot taller than me, though his full set of armor made him seem taller.

I spluttered a bit, "Right..." I place my hand on my belt where my knife sat, studying him. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Anna, it's okay," Percy whispered, grabbing my hand and removing it from the handle of my knife. I pulled my hand away softly, trying not to offend him, but I didn't want to be touched at the moment. I pursed my lips and nodded, "This is Techno, he owns the area, he also lives across that little bridge right outside the door."

Techno nodded, apparently this was all correct, I was surprised that Percy had listened and remembered what Techno had said, especially so early in the morning, "Truue... So, what were you guys doing around the crater anyways?" Techno asked.

I dodged the question, "What's with that crater anyways? It's so... big... y'know?"

Techno looked to the side, "Me and a buddy of mine caused it, no big deal, really," He returned to his seat and took a long sip of his coffee. There was a loud knock on the door, "Come in."

"Hey, sorry I'm late," Tubbo muttered, shaking the snow out of his long hair that covered his eyes, "Oh, you guys are still here! For some reason I forgot you were here." He grinned and stomped his boots off, immediately running to stand next to Ranboo.

Nodding, I wound my fingers into my hair, "Yeah, yeah, anyways, I need to know what's going on, why are we here? What are we gonna do today? The three of us have nowhere to go and honestly we were just wandering when we found this place..."

"We were looking for a break," Percy admitted.

Tommy snorted from the corner of the room, "Right, like you'll ever catch a break in the Dream SMP," He scoffed, taking a sip out of a little red can. He was wearing a torn trenchcoat that had sloppy patches sewn into the arm. He looked like he had been crying, his eyes and nose red, bags under his eyes. I felt bad for him, whatever they were talking about before we had arrived seemed important.

Techno stood and walked out of the room, bringing in a card table and setting it up, unfolding chairs. Percy, Grover, and I all sat carefully. Phil slid Percy a cup of water as he began dishing people up. Tubbo sat between Ranboo and Percy, Tubbo placing his hand protectively on Ranboo's.

"Do you wanna see a trick?" Percy asked, receiving the cup. Phil chuckled and nodded as he served Tommy and Tubbo. Percy placed his hands on the cup of water, making the water float out, it began to shape itself into a little horse. He made the little horse run around the table and greet everyone. Ranboo stood abruptly, pressing his back against the closed window, his breath picking up pace.

Tubbo placed his hand on Ranboo's arm, standing with him. He whispered to him calmly, trying to get his friend to sit back down. Ranboo's face was pale, his different-colored eyes wide. He finally looked at Tubbo after he said something and giggled, "Alright, alright!" Ranboo finally sat down, catching the plate that Phil slid quickly at him. Percy placed the water back into the cup, obviously feeling terrible for frightening the tall one.

"Sorry..." He whispered.

"It's fine, Ranboo's just being a baby," Tubbo said, trying to reassure the table.

"I'm not being a baby, Tubbo, I could've gotten- ugh- whatever," Ranboo turned to Percy, "Listen, man, it's okay, I didn't get hurt so it's fine." I studied Ranboo's face. Scars trailed down his cheeks and his hands seemed to have various burns on them. I frowned, trying to piece things together.

"Your hydrophobic... it burns you?" I guessed, Ranboo just nodded grimly. I caught the plate that slid towards me with an alarming amount of force. I grabbed the fork that balanced precariously on the edge of the plate, taking a bite from the stack of pancakes, "Holy Hades! These are delicious!" I scarfed them down.

Techno leaned forward, "Did you say Hades?" He asked, a glint in his eye that seemed out of place.

"Oh my god! Not this!" Tommy pressed his hands against his face, groaning loudly, getting a quick "shut up!" from Phil.

I nodded, "Yeah," I swallowed my food and leaned back, "Why? He's not that big a deal." I grumbled, remembering my first adventure with Percy and Grover.

"He's the god of death, how's that 'not that big a deal'?!" Techno said, a hint of exhasperation creeping into his voice.

"He's a jerk," Percy piped up, stuffing his face with pancakes.

"You talk like you've met him!" Techno exclaimed.

"We have," I whispered, brushing my hair out of my face, the gray streak in my hair bothering me, "He's not all too nice, though we shouldn't mention him too much, might think we actually wanna talk to him." I furrowed my brow, the last thing I wanted was godly activity.

"He sounds rude... have you met any other gods?" Techno asked, leaning into the conversation even more.

"We've met plenty of people, Heracles, Hera, Poseidon, bunch of people," Percy answered, his mouth full of pancake. They were blue. He must've requested them.

"Fascinating..." Techno whispered.

"Yeah, my mom is Athena, his is Poseidon, Grover's a satyr," I looked at the goat man who hadn't said anything, he was munching on an old soda can that he must've asked Phil for.

"Wait, you're demigods?!" Techno looked like his mind had been blown. Other conversations stopped, Phil, Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo had been chatting happily, though they stopped to stare when Techno shouted.

I paused, "Yes... I suppose..." I narrowed my eyes, "Can we meet other people in town today? I wanna know more about the others here..."

"Oh, of course! I just have to-" Phil began to answer, but the door was kicked in, a weathered figure standing in the doorway.

Hehe, a cliffhanger! I'm not trying to reach a special wordcount today so I'll just leave y'all with a quick thanks for watching!

WC: 1183

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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