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"Am I dead?"

The first words that rise above your cloudy thoughts find their answer immediately, eyes slowly opening as they grow accustomed to the colors, too bright, too vibrant. Almost resonating in my ears, the images twirl in seamless waves, gradually forming shapes and lines as i blink repeatedly.

The world unveils right in front of you, and even though the scenery feels familiar, there's something outlandish about it, about the way the people walk and speak and laugh, as if the world that you used to hold between your fingers was snatched right out of your hands. I feel like an intruder, like a watcher of the humans that walk past you without giving you a second glance.

I suppose that in some way, you are a watcher. The memories you hold of the afterlife are faint and blurry, as if coming back to the human world made them break into tiny pieces, glimpses of unearthly shapes and colors. I still managed to hold onto some small remnants of the other world, words and fuzzy reflections forming in my mind as i try to recall the conversations you had with the ethereal beings, whose faces you're unable to remember.

The only thing you know is that you're dead, and that the human world does not belong to you anymore.

"Taehyung, hurry, let's go."

The harsh, whispered words are too loud in your ears, and I turn towards the source of the voice, my previous confusion only growing bigger as my eyes fixate on the boys that are exiting a store in hurried steps. My eyes zone in on the tallest of them, dirty blonde hair caressed by the wind as he gives his two friends a bright, boxy smile.

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