Chapter twelve/What do we do?

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Chapter twelve:

Kali's POV

After we left Craig with Casper, we headed over to find Mom and Dad.

"Hey Mom, Dad?" Bri called to get their attention.

"Yes girls?" Mom asked us when we got closer.

"We have something to show you guys" Bri told them. They shared a look.

"Okay......?" Dad trailed off.

I handed Mom the note and Dad read it over her shoulder.

"Who the hell does that a**hole think he is?!"Dad shouted.

"Calm down Honey" Mom tried to sooth him.

"Calm down? Calm down?" He asked.
"How am I supposed to calm down when my baby girl is in danger?"

"Yes I know, but we all know that you make stupid choices when you're angry" Mom chided.

"You're right" He agreed. They both turned to look at us. I started to get nervous, they didn't say anything, just stared.

"For now I think we should just act as if nothing is wrong and I'll tell Bob and a few other trusted people to keep an eye out for him and any suspicious behaviour, okay?" Dad finally said.

"Okay" Bri answered back.

"Kali, are you okay Hun?" Mom asked me with concern in her eyes.

"Yeah, just a bit shaken up" I told her half the truth. The truth was, I was so freaking scared. Nobody knew the whole story between Brett and I. I was to scared to tell anyone because of what they would think of me after.

"You girls go back to your horses and keep your minds clear, you hear" Dad ordered us.

"Yes sir" We answered in unison. Yet as we made our way back to Craig and the horses, I couldn't help but feel that something big and horrible was on the horizon. And it was coming straight for me.


Picture of Kali on the side.

Kind of short and sucks, sorry!

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