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Hails 💍: happy new year from me and Justin

Ari ☕: how's Hawaii?Hails 💍: amazing, it so tropical don't want to leave here

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Ari ☕: how's Hawaii?
Hails 💍: amazing, it so tropical don't want to leave here. Where's everyone else
Sel 💃: Texas, family reunion
Kenny 🌻: at drakes party with Kylie
Nialler ⛳: in England with these two. I get what Bella meant when she said they're nauseating

Ari ☕: 😍 not sure who I'd go for cause they're both hot

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Ari ☕: 😍 not sure who I'd go for cause they're both hot. God imagine a threesome with them.
JuJu 🎶: I wouldn't mind having a foursome with them
Gigi 🥂: yeah no thanks
Zaynie 🥺: happy new year
King Kylie 🤑: wait are Niall and Zayn together
Gigi 🥂: yeah
King Kylie 🤑: 2/5 of one direction is together
Gigi 🥂: should I tell them?
Nialler ⛳: no need
Ari ☕: tell us what? What are you hiding from us? I bet it's one direction related
King Kylie 🤑: yeah but how do we find out?
Ari ☕: I've got a plan
King Kylie 🤑: are you thinking what I'm thinking
Ari ☕: maybe, what are you thinking?

Ari ☕ has added Taylor swift

King Kylie 🤑: ???
Ari ☕: we can get Taylor to add a member
King Kylie 🤑: or just get Kendall to add Harry
Ari ☕: that would've been smarter. Is she online?
Kenny 🌻: yeah, I'll add him now

Kenny 🌻 has added Harry styles to the chat

Harry Styles: hello
Ari ☕: hey Harry, where are you?
Harry Styles: in Tokyo
Ari ☕: so you don't know what's going on in London
Harry Styles: what's going on in London?
Ari ☕: well Niall and Zayn are together and Gigi was hinting at something else
Harry Styles: are they? Hold on I'll find out.
Taylor swift: hi
Ari ☕: hey Taylor how are you and Joe?
Taylor swift: it's good, how's your news year?
Ari ☕: with family and yours
Taylor swift: I'm at Niall's party
King Kylie 🤑: hey Taylor whose there?
Zaynie 🥺: no one just a couple people
Taylor swift: but I just saw -

Niall has cut of Taylor swift

Nialler ⛳: she saw no one
Ari ☕: Taylor
              Are you still there?
King Kylie 🤑: something is definitely up, Gigi and Taylor know but can't say and everyone else is useless
Ari ☕: you have a private jet right?
King Kylie 🤑: yeah, but how does that help
Sel 💃: hey Taylor and Harry
Ari ☕: well we could fly out to London and see for our selves
Sel 💃: why are you two going to London?
King Kylie 🤑: there's something going on and we're gonna find out
Sel 💃: alright, have fun
King Kylie 🤑: wait I just remembered it's getting repaired
Ari ☕: what are we going to do now?
Harry Styles: Ni how could you? We were supposed to be best friends
Nialler ⛳: what about Mitch?
Harry Styles: he doesn't mean as much to me
Ari ☕: what's going on?
Harry Styles: the rest of one direction is together in London and I didn't know
Sel 💃: you did get an invite
Ari ☕: you knew and didn't tell us
King Kylie 🤑: you traitor
Sel 💃: it was funny also the only reason I know is because Niall asked for my opinion on the cards for each person.
Nialler ⛳: you can't tell anyone that we're together
Zaynie 🥺: and that I'm with them
King Kylie 🤑: how many classify as anyone? Because that's a vague term
Zaynie 🥺: who did you tell?
King Kylie 🤑: only stassie, the delivery man, a random person on the street and my assistant
Nialler ⛳: it's fine we can say it's false, Gigi post something to show your in new York so that theory of Zayn being with us is disproven. And we can probably get Brianna to post photos from last month of Louis and Freddie so he's in America.
Ari ☕: what about you and Liam?
Nialler ⛳: it's fine we'll be seen together so people think the person got confused and thought all of us were together in case someone says anything
JuJu 🎶: since when were you so smart
Nialler ⛳: it's easier to play dumb so people underestimate you and if you make mistakes it's not big of a deal.

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