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Sel 💃: is everyone there?
Mila 🤶: where?
Tay 🐾: on their way, everyone is coming to Rhode Island right?
Hails 💍: me and Justin will be there in a couple of hours
Kenny 🌻: weren't you supposed to reach there two hours ago
Hails 💍: we were but Justin forgot his passport and his luggage so we had to go back
Tay 🐾: right, so you two are on your way, what about Gigi and Bella
Baby bells 🌹: me and Kenny have just landed and are getting in the car, Gigi is flying in from Milan so she'll be here tomorrow
Tay 🐾: right, what about Zayn and Lauren
Zaynie 🥺: we're here so open the door also is there a cot for khai because she's just fallen asleep
Tay 🐾: I'm coming and can everyone let me know when they are coming
Kenny 🌻: me and bells are about five minutes away so we'll see you soon
Nialler ⛳: Me and Harry are already at the beach so you lot can join us

Sel 💃: is everyone there?Mila 🤶: where?Tay 🐾: on their way, everyone is coming to Rhode Island right?Hails 💍: me and Justin will be there in a couple of hoursKenny 🌻: weren't you supposed to reach there two hours agoHails 💍: we were but Just...

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Sel 💃: why does your legs look so tan and your chest look so pale
Hazza bear 💅: it's the lighting, cause Niall's a shit photographer
Zaynie 🥺: just like the pap photos where they pretend to be fans
Hazza bear 💅: that wasn't me who decided that, blame Jeff
Kenny 🌻: we're here
Tay 🐾: I'm coming
Zaynie 🥺:

Sel 💃: why does your legs look so tan and your chest look so paleHazza bear 💅: it's the lighting, cause Niall's a shit photographerZaynie 🥺: just like the pap photos where they pretend to be fans Hazza bear 💅: that wasn't me who decided that, ...

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