Chapter-7- The Alleyway

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Amane's POV
I saw Nene froze when I accidentally spat my latte onto her uniform. "Damn Amane!" I heard Tsukasa say before bursting into a fit of giggles. I continued to stare into her deep magenta eyes. "Nene-chan!" I heard and saw someone else come. I was expecting Aoi but this person was different. "Are you alright?" They said and tried to drag the poor, stunned girl. I finally looked away, blushing madly. But then I felt something hard hit the back of my head. I turned my head around and saw the Yashiro was holding the tray in an aggressive form. Her friend looked a bit shook. I started hearing laughter but not just from my table, the whole cafe was laughing. "BAKA!" Yashiro screamed and ran towards the bathroom followed my the other waiter/ess who I found out was called Y/N. At this point I was fuming. I mean I guess it was kinda my fault but she had to make it a scene. "I'm going to go help your girlfriend No. 7!" Mei aka No.4 said getting up and running towards the kitchen. Huh Mei is actually being sympathetic to someone that's new. Wait did she just.. "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND NO.4!" I yelled and got up and left the store, yes without paying. The others followed.

Akane's POV
The rest of us followed honourable No.7 as he led us outside and discussed the matter. "No.7, you do realise that your role is to be a leader of a gang to protect our home from mafias, while stealing from them. And now your being a baby over that girl!" I thundered. Poor girl, Aoi and that Y/N girl have helped her so much, and yet she gets herself into trouble. I must admit, she's got some nerve coming at our leader like that. She must've delt people like him before. But Aghh Aoi is such an angel, a true goddess to help others. Such a saint. That y/n is nice but Aoi is something no much more. I realised that the others have been staring at me being, what they call a "SIMP" and I snap back into reality. The pink haired guy starts laughing like a lunatic as well as Mei and Tsukasa. Tsukasa' laugh is a bit more maniacal, it gets a little unsettling to be near him. But he is the leader's brother, twin to be precise so I can't argue. While the others laugh I hear a squeal from an alleyway and Aoi comes rushing to us. She falls to her knees in such an graceful matter. Wait stay focused Akane, somethings has happened.

Nene's POV
I stay in the bathroom, changing into some clothes that the brown heaired girl: Mei-san allowed me to borrow. Y/n was trying to comfort me while Aoi went to talk to the boss. After I changed Y/N met with me. Mei had left to join the gang. Aoi came back and told us that the boss would look into the customers since they didn't pay. Y/n said they had to go and so Aoi and I said goodbye as we both went our separate ways. The alleyway near the cafe looks like the perfect place to get mobbed. "Aoi... do you know where we are goin?" I asked, feeling myself start to sense up and shake. "Ummm.... kinda" she said, I could tell in her voice that she was just as nervous as me. I stopped at a sudden halt as I saw to shadowed figures coming up to us. I started to turn back and start running but one of the shadow figures grabbed me. "AOI!" I screamed as the person pushed me towards a wall. Others started surrounding me. Shit... was I going to die? All memories of my past came flooding back to me and the last thing I saw was Aoi running away. "Bitch!" I managed to wheeze as I collapsed.
End of Flashback

Amane's POV
My eyes widened as I saw the purple haired girl on her knees. She was practically begging. What did she want? Akane I could tell was all for it. Let's just hope he dose the lose it to soon. "Please (gasp) y-Yashiro is (gasp) in danger (gasp)" She stammered gasping for breath. My eyes were widening more, I looked through the alleyway and saw figures of around 3-4 older men near a figure of a girl. My brained had already started connecting the dots. But I wanted to be clear on the situation. Akane was trying to calm her nerves which was helping and she continues her story slightly more clearly. "We were just trying to go home, I could tell she was scared, I was to and then we got mobbed my these men, one of them pushed N-Nene-chan to a wall and...." Tears were spilling out of her violet eyes. "I feel so bad leaving her, she's going to get raped and killed possibly!" She started getting bowing uncontrollably. "Please save my friend" she literally yelled. "Honourable 7 mysteries." She managed to squeak that last part but I didn't hear it. I only met this Yashiro today and all I know about her is that she's clumsy, gutsy and annoying but why am I going out of my way to save her. These thoughts rushed through my head but I didn't have time to listen and I them. I was running through the alleyway hoping I would make it in time. "AMANE" I heard Tsukasa yell. But I didn't listen. I rushed to the scenario and saw Yashiro on the ground unconscious and 4 older teens/ men standing around her. One of them noticed me and signalled the others. "Well, well, look what the cat dragged in. Honourable No.7 or should I say Amane!" The middle one said. He was tall and lanky with a stupid grin on his face that I wanted to wipe of so badly. "Is the leader of the 7 mysteries going all out to save this (he kicked Yashiro's unconscious body) girl. I mean I'm not going to lie she is pretty cute." He said closing the distance between him and her and whispered. "And sexy if I might add," I gritted my teeth. "In this maid outfit she is finnnne~ maybe she can be our personal maid." At that point I had enough. This guy is dead, first he kicks her now he's calling her hot, I mean she is kinda... WAIT no no distractions. I drew out my knife out of my shirt and get ready to fight.

What happens next? 😱
Word Count: 1130
The most words yet!! :)))

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