"You are pregnant"the doctor said "no I can't be I just took a test last week"I said "you can get a negative result in a test the next day within sexual intercourse"the doctor said "how is this possible"I said "it happens to a lot of women some women can get their period during pregnancy can get negative results an not Even put out"the doctor said "we will get through this"kookie said I'm just 17 I already have on baby and a husband and a house "I can't take care of two babies"I said "I will support you will with any thing you decide to do"kookie said "well abortion is out of the picture this baby didn't choose to be made"I said "you are right"the doctor said "I'm gonna keep it and be the best mommy I can be"I said. We did a ultra sound. But I seen to eggs but didn't panic. "come back in three months for a check up"the doctor said and we left when we got outside I ran into Felix "oh hey y/n how are you"Felix asked "pregnant with a second baby, married at the age of 17,famous,popular,so I'd say doing better then you"I said and I walked away. How the fuck am I going tell my mom. We get in the car and I start crying hard. Kookie looked straight ahead emotionless and put my head on his shoulder. "We haven't even graduated yet now two babies I don't know what to do what if we have twins I can't handle three"I said crying. "We got this we graduate this year then I'll get a job"he said still looking straight ahead emotionless. "It just I already get called a hoe an you get called a rapist and for what we choose to have kids we could put them up for adoption but no we don't why cus we care about them so I'm keeping the baby or babies"I said. He snapped out of it and nodded. He started driving. He looks so hot when he drives. I knew his next move was my thigh. But for some reason he didn't put his hand on my thigh. "Are you ok"I asked. "I'm perfect"he said fakeing a smile. "No your not you didn't put your hand on my thigh and your fakeing your smile"I said. "I'm just scared it's twins if it is we need a new car and we can't afford it"he said. "I'll get a job to"I said. "Don't worry"I said as I started to play with his hair. "We should tell your mom"he said. He looked scared and when he gets scared he gets tiered. "Babe pull over"I said so he did. I got out and he got out and we switched so I was driving. I started to drive. "Want me to drop you off at home or do you wanna come with me"I asked. "Can I go home I just wanna sleep"he said. So I dropped him off he kissed me and got out. I started crying and driving. I got to my mom's house still crying. I rang her door bell. "Coming"she said. I tried to hurry and wipe my tears away and an fake a smile before she could answer. But I failed. "Hunny are you ok"she asked within my tears with her thumb. "No matter what I tell you you wouldn't think I'm a hoe or a slut right"I asked. "Oh no you didn't have a gang bang did you"she said joking trying to make me feel better. I giggled. "No I didn't"I said. I started to cry more. "I'm pregnant again"I said collapsing on her floor. "I'm so scared more scared then I was when I had Xander because I think it is twins"I said. "Well it's gonna be hard to tell in the second week"she said. "I seen to eggs I think the doctor didn't say anything so I wasn't scared"I said. "I can do three kids I'm not done with high school yet I feel like such a slut"I said. "Aww don't say that"she said helping me up off the floor. "Got a gift box"I asked. "Yes why"she said. "Call Namjoon and the boys over"I said. I pulled a test out my bag and took it. Of course it's positive. Then Xander started crying he just woke up. I go in. He got the biggest smile I stopped crying and just smiled. I picked him up and walked into the liveing room where my mom was with the gift box. "Look who woke up"I said. "Awww"she said. I handed Xander to he and put the test in the gif box. Namjoon got here. Ok I got a present for you but all of you gotta open it"I said. The all opened it
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