I'm now home from having twins this is a log. Kookie is at work and Xander sits and watches Elmo. When I get done wipeing the table it is time for the girls bottle. I set them down in their crib to get their bottles. By the time I'm done it's like 7pm . Kookie gets home in like a hour. So I lay the twins down and Xander sits quietly at watches tv it changed to Nina and star. (If you don't know Nina and star I will pout a video)
Hey it's the author here to interrupt most early 2000's kids will know this show I miss it😭🤚🏻 ok ok back to the story: Kookie walks in the door just as dinner gets done. "Why hello mr.kook"I said as I set dinner down on the table. I wake Xander. "Hey mr. goodnight show fan dinners done wanna eat"I said. "I watch Nina and star"Xander said. "Hey my man you can watch Nina and star while you eat"Kookie said as he picked him up with a big smile. I hear crying from a baby one of the twins is up. "Umm I'll get it can you feed him"I asked. By the time I Finnish my sentence Kookie gave him his first bite. I go into the twins room. "Ae ri why the fussing"I said in a baby voice. "Ah someone needs to be cleaned" I said as I put her on the changing table. I changed her and she fell back asleep. I came out and Kookie and Xander passed out on the couch. I grab a blanket and cover them and lay with them. I can say I have a happy ever after........ the end.
Hey guys author again I just wanna say thank you for the support and all the nice stuff on my fan fics fighting💜.

Bad boy gone good 21+
Storie d'amore"But your a player" "Not anymore" "I love you and only you y/n" Jungkook x reader 💜💜 i purple you army