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There is no shortcut to life, and nor is there a shortcut to love. If it does exist in an alternate universe.

Many people expect a lot of things from me, whether it'd be running a successful company, having a sustainable socialite network, coming up with a new business pitch. One should never pass along an opportunity, and I'm not one to give up on anything. I've only ever tried to succeed in everything need be, it doesn't mean I'm perfect it just means I'm adjustable. One thing I've never tried to maintain or sustain is

My father always said that I'm more than what meets the eye.

In most cases, I would say it was a lie until my mother said it as well. I always had a good relationship with my parents, not a very good one with my father a professional one at best but it wasn't horrible.

I don't care for materialistic things but I've always worked for everything, it was never given to me on a silver platter. I don't recall a day when Simarae hasn't tried to drag me out of the office. Simarae is my best friend, one that sometimes I feel like I don't deserve. Yet I am way too selfish to ever think of letting her leave me. I love her too much.

"My systems offline again," Aiden said, I'm pulled out of my thoughts and back to an infinite reality.

"Your brain cells are offline as well" I answered, signing a few documents, "You're our IT tech, it's your job to fix it remember"

"Oh right, I just wanted to give you this" he continued, putting a vanilla Frappuccino on my desk.

I glee with joy before lightly stomping my feet and spinning my chair clockwise.

"I love you, you know that" I exclaimed.

"You don't believe in love" he chuckles.

"Same shit, different toilet"

I decide to take a break to drink my frappuccino in my office garden interior. I designed it myself, with everyone's suggestions taken in. It took nearly three months but when everything was finished, those three months were worth it. A single sip soothes every weight in my body. I stare out blankly drifting into my thoughts while silently battling a war between my mind and my heart. They've never gotten along anyway.

Reaching over the wooden table, I grabbed a vinyl dusting off the top and placed it gently on the phonograph. It begins to stumble before playing a gentle light version of Claire De Lune.
My favorites as a child. It seems like a simple melody, sliding across one key to the next but it is much more than that. I would know, I tried to learn it years ago but I gave up eventually opting to learn it when a chance revealed itself.

I removed my heels and glid around the open space, twirling around slowly. I climb onto the table dancing with an imaginary man and when it slows down, I get down before facing the door and finding several people silently watching. They clap softly and I hear a few gasps in the crowd. I bow taking in the applause before spotting Simarae in the distance, smiling and clapping as well. It seems I've had an audience.

"Alright, get back to work," Simarae said, the crowd scatters and I scurry to put on my shoes.

"Marae, how long were you standing there," I ask, hugging her.

"Long enough," I stare at her smirking while she continues "Come on, we're late for our reservation"

I scoff smugly, "I'm the Aria Middleton, I'll buy the whole Cafe"

"Such a big ego" Simarae laughed.

"You know I'm joking, Arthur would kill me"

"That he would do"

ECSTASY | CRIME PRINCE SERIES | BOOK 0.5 FIRST EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now