|𝟑𝟎.| 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐟 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫

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Ash was right. The pain doesn't get easier, it get bearable. It's only been a few weeks since fathers passing and each day I feel that his presence does not loom me. Not in a bad way. The only scene thus far was when I had to tell Aiden everything. I know their relationship was much stronger and it was far more difficult for him to handle.

He didn't speak, he didn't eat, he would pass me without a glance. I eventually concluded that he blamed me as well. I didn't hide from him - telling him the entire truth, that I had a fault in his death. He didn't react only standing up and walking away. Aiden was a reckless being, always looking for a sense of adrenaline or danger. Yet I'd never seen him so calm, no alcohol or any sort of substance.

It was only when he came to my room, late at night - intoxicated. He didn't speak until he fell to his knees and sobbed uncontrollably. He sought my comfort - my hold and warmth as an older sister and I gave it to him without hesitance. I'd only seen Aiden cry when we were mere children, he would get hurt and run up to me - disturbing me from either my training or studies but I wouldn't mind.

Father did not like that I babied him so much, mother told him there was no such thing. Thus I told him that he would surprised to see what a strong man he would become one day. He couldn't. Seeing my brother cry at my feet that day took the biggest toll on me. When I saw his bloodied hands - the gun in his waistline, I grabbed it - not asking him anything yet. As I said he was a reckless soul - this time it sent him over the edge.

To our surprise, my fathers murderers had already been killed. To add to it, all three men had taken the liberty of doing the task.

We did not ask questions. We would not like the answers.

I packed up the last of my fathers belongings - my mother had been hesitant on this decision but I knew it would only cause her pain. Per her wish I'd kept my father's office the same. She would now be the head of the family - every elder had the chance of reminding her. Though she wa sin her mourning period. An African woman mourns her husband for a year, covering her head and wearing black clothes.

I notice something on the desk, the CD we had found a while ago. I gesture to my mother and she walks over, taking it and placing in the player. After a few seconds of loading my father appears on the screen, dressed in a grey turtleneck and adorned with his now grey hair. Its as if he's still here, smiling.

"Armani, Aiden, Aria. If you're watching this - it means I have left this world and though it brings me sadness I know it means I can protect you. I want everyone to be here as you listen to this, it's nothing important but I just want everyone here and I mean everyone - your mother knows what I mean" he says and I glance at my mother, whose hair is tied in a bun aligned with a blank pencil skirt and turtleneck.

"Zhavia" my mother calls, a few seconds later a woman comes into the office, "Please call everyone into the office, and I mean everyone." she smiles and the woman bows quickly before leaving the room with a 'yes madam', "I find that very unnecessary!"

"She respects you a great deal, leave her be."

A few minutes later, Marae comes into the office with Aiden, River with Lita, Zion with Zaria, River's father - Giovanni, with Marae's step-father William along with her mother Oradell. I look over all of them with worry until Ash walks in the room, his eyes immediately scanning the room when they land on me. The entire family is here.

ECSTASY | CRIME PRINCE SERIES | BOOK 0.5 FIRST EDITIONWhere stories live. Discover now