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Apollo's pov
I stepped out of the car and straightened my suit before reaching into the backseat and grabbing my gun case. I saw Collinn walking over, I closed the door and said "Warden" with a small nod as Collinn replied "Disciple, welcome to rainbow" I nodded before asking "what's the situation?" Collinn turned and said "Still as serious as ever" before I followed him and he said "we've got several teams on missions currently, Ash's team is moving an HVI to a safe house. You however are meeting the boss" I didn't reply instead walking along as I looked around and followed him. I saw a couple people walking around with their gear and watching Collinn and I walk, I kept an eye on them as we walked until I heard the knock infront of me which gained my attention. I looked around before the door opened and I stepped in, I was less than prepared for the cluttered mess and casual theme of the office as a man in a blue and grey t-shirt and jeans stood. I heard the Man "You must be Apollo Black" I asked in return "Director Harry?" He smiled and nodded as Collinn said "don't let his outfit lead you to the wrong assumptions"
      I nodded as Harry said "you're early" I checked my watch replying "we usually arrive early to secure areas ahead of the arrival of our HVI" he nodded before saying "I'm going to lay down some ground rules, the other operators will help you settle into the routine around here." I nodded as he started "we don't tolerate racism here. We're here to do a job and if you can't do it, we will fire you. The second rule is do not miss trainings or sparring sessions, we need to make sure everyone is staying up to standard. Third rule, keep your emotions in check, no outbursts or disobedience, even if you hate the team leader. Fourth rule, once a money you will come to my office and sit down with me and we will do a psych evaluation to make sure you're still fit for the field. Our lead doctor, Gustave Kateb, will also have you doing a physical evaluation to ensure you're healthy" I listened and committed the rules to memory as Harry said "the final rule, respect your teammates and their belongings, if I find out about anything past friendly rivalry and pranks the punishment will be severe."
I nodded as his serious demeanor evaporated and he said "wonderful, Collinn bring him to the unused room." Collinn replied dutifully "yes sir" as I stood and said "have a good day sir" as I turned and followed collinn through the door and into the halls. I commented "This place is way more relaxed than the PPD" collinn replied "yeah, but it's nice. Decent pay, a good mission selection, the people hear are good" I asked "how's everyone at the White House?" He replied "last I heard they're doing wonderfully, Mary keeps asking about you." I scoffed and replied "seriously? It's been a year and a half" he replied "she's still head over heels for you." I sighed and replied "well I'm not gonna be in D.C. for a while so she's kinda shit outta luck isn't she? Besides I haven't talked to her since I was doing things with the Protection Detail." Collinn just laughed as we walked for a bit longer and then he stopped and unlocked the door to a room, he pushed the door open and said "your new room, you have 2 hours to personalize before the other teams get back and you have to meet em all."
      I asked "all of them? Every one?" He replied smugly "yep, we don't have preset teams. Each mission has a different team selected for the situation." I sighed and replied "alright, are you meeting me here when it's time?" He nodded and handed me the keys "you've got two hours" as I stepped in and closed the door. I put down my bags and began taking out my small amount of belongings. I always tried to keep my rooms as sterile as possible making it easy to find things when I needed to. I pulled out a couple pictures and placed them, doing a couple fixes before I walked over to the closet and pulling out my clothes. My uniform was the first thing I hung up followed by my set of suits and then my casual clothes, I made sure everything was in order before closing the door. I turned around and noticed the other bed, I mused "must be 2 operators per room, I wonder why I'm alone" as I carefully pulled out my gun cleaning kits and pre staging them.
       I looked around and began tidying up, I did however set up one of my few luxuries a surround sound system. I began hooking it up to the TV that the room had. I smirked as I took a step back before I played a couple songs as I sat on the bed and read a few more pages of The Operator. Time seemed to escape me as the knock that originated from the other side of the door was heard, I looked up at Collinn stepped inside "It's time, the teams are back" I stood and heard Collinn "I know you like getting called disciple, but you are gonna have to give them your name" I pulled my p226 out of my holster and checked the chamber before sliding it back into my holster and nodding to him. He asked "still not much of a talker?" I sighed and replied "no, I'm not" he nodded and said "well you're gonna have to take the effort to talk to your new teammates, I'm sure a lot of them are gonna have questions about what it is you do on the CAT teams" I replied curtly "I'll answer what I can"
We walked through the halls until we arrived at a large room with rows of chairs with half desks, I mentally mused reminds me of my time in the sandbox before I saw Harry walk in and say "ah, early again. The others should start filing in soon" I nodded as Harry motioned next to him "stand here please" I walked over and took up my position quickly placing the back of my right hand into the palm of my left as I stood with my feet a foot apart as I stared forward. Harry said "I will try to make it expressly clear what they're allowed to ask about but a few of them have security clearances, they will want to know" I replied the same answer I told Collinn "I'll answer what I can" he nodded as the rest of the operators began slowly filtering their way in. I noticed Erik Thorn, an operator I met a few times before I left the military. A few minutes later I saw a very dirty and exhausted looking Eliza Cohen, I had worked with her and SWAT during my time with The Unit hunting a PIFWC hiding in downtown LA.
       I stood as Harry addressed the team "As I have made it clear over the course of the last few days, we have a new member of the team. Standing beside me is Apollo Black a counter-insurgency expert from the US Secret Service Counter Assault Team. He has done missions with the US Army Rangers, The Green Berets, Delta Force, the Secret Service presidential protection teams and the CAT Teams, welcome him to the unit" as Harry stepped back and the team members started walking up. I heard Collinn teasingly behind me "better get your voice ready" I rolled my eyes as Erik appeared infront of me "Nice to see you against Staff Sergeant" I replied monotonously "I'm no longer a staff sergeant Thorn" he nodded slowly "how's the Secret service treating you?" I replied tiredly "it's a fulfilling job, we've been on high alert recently since we got word you guys have been doing more missions" he nodded my slowly before saying "I look forward to working with you again" as he stepped away and I continued to talk with all of the operators eventually i saw Eliza step infront of me, she smiled kindly "nice to see you again"
I dipped my head "you as well, you looked better last time I saw you however" she chuckled and looked down at herself swiping at her pant legs watching dust and dirt get kicked off "yeah, you've got a point there." I asked "still making risky plays?" She replied laughing "I haven't been shot yet" I countered "one of these days you will be" she waved me off and said "you worry too much" I sighed before asking "so how does this place work?" She replied pointedly as she stared at Collinn "Collinn didn't tell you?" I glanced over my shoulder at him "no, I'm afraid not" collinn added in hurriedly "I was gonna, but we got here before I could" as Eliza said "we have a couple team leaders, I think the current count is 10. There's only ever one per team, a person is selected by that team leader as an assistant team leader for that mission. The team leaders are Myself, Erik, Mike, Jalal, Zofia, Craig, Yumiko, Emmanuelle, Sebastien and Vicente. We're the ones that are the NCOs for this organization, Harry gives us the orders we select our teams and then we start planning." I nodded slowly before saying "makes sense" as Collinn said "and there it is, see I knew leaving it to you would make it all make sense." I rolled my eyes before I heard Eliza "come on, I wanna see what you learned since I last saw you"

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