The probe strike

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Apollo's pov
I looked out the front window of the helicopter before I heard Mina talking to ATC, I looked around as I stepped back into the cargo hold. The teams were getting ready as Ash spoke "the rest of the team is already at fort Irwin. We've got 1 and a half hours before the probe touches down" we looked around as I double checked my Sr16 before the door slid open and the wind started whipping around like frozen lashes. I shivered before we touched down and started climbing out, I saw our different teams running around doing preparations. I heard the helicopter shut down and Mina climbed out, she walked over and said "the sky doesn't look good" I looked up and said "gonna get really busy here soon" she nodded as Harry said "I'm glad to see the rest of you have arrived, come on, we've got a final brief." I shifted my rifle and we started following Harry through the base. I looked around before we entered an air conditioned room, the rush of people running around holding their different dossiers. I noticed a few people had CIA badges before we walked into a massive briefing room with our entire unit along with different groups, I saw a couple 101st guys as well as a few Delta operators.
I commented "seems like the big house is pretty worried about that outbreak getting a foothold again" Erik said "couple A squad recce guys." I looked at him "let's go catch up, I haven't seen any of the Unit guys since I left" we walked over and I saw a couple new faces until the commander noticed me "well color me impressed, the fuck are you doing here?" I smirked "just a business trip" a few of the younger operators recognized Erik but were more intrigued in the reactions of Hunter, the commander. He nodded before looking at my chest plate "Secret Service huh? Hanging out with the commander-in-chief huh?" I replied chuckling "yeah I've done some time of the detail. How're you doing on the recce teams?" He replied "oh you know, the usual. Going for walks, coming back, filling out paper work for my walks" I nodded and asked "still taking those really enthusiastic walks huh?" He nodded before one of the younger operators asked "boss, who's this?" Hunter replied simply "Gunslinger" I commented "I go by disciple now"
         He laughed and said "I'm sure, who's this?" I looked at him before looking at Erik "Erik Thorn, an intelligence officer from C squad." Erik stepped forward and shoot hunters hand "Call me Maverick" Hunter nodded and said looking up at the sky "your team has experience with this stuff, got any advice?" I heard Eliza behind me "Don't let them scratch you, it gets you all fucked up. Aim for the head and don't waste ammo. This big ones have an opening in the armor on the small of the back so if you have to fight them get them to charge and aim for that spot." I looked over my shoulder and saw Mina and Eliza standing there. Mina stepped closer "who're these?" I listened as Erik said "This is Hunter and his boys from Squad A" Mina shook his hand "Mina Sky, call me thunderbird" he nodded as Eliza shook his hand "Eliza Cohen, Ash" Mina asked "How do you know them?" I answered honestly "Ran a couple missions with Hunter, Erik knows the others more than me" she nodded as I heard gasps and looked up seeing the probe streak through the sky.
I watched as a few streaks of debris kick off of the main probe, I muttered in shock "God damn" as I heard Harry yell "Rainbow, Get your shit ready! We're moving the moment we know where those touch down" I looked at Hunter and dipped my head "time to go to work" as we ran off to different places gathering our shit. I looked up when I heard a sonic boom and saw the probe had exploded, I froze as I saw massive pieces of debris raining on Los Angeles. I heard Jack to my left "oh jesus, we haven't finish evacuating have we?" I shook my head no as Mina came running "Jack, Apollo, come on. We're the first responders." I started running after her as Jack grabbed his shotgun. I jumped into the helicopter and saw Sebastien and Craig waiting, a second later we were joined by Sanaa and Ela. I heard Erik from the doorway as Mina did her flight checks "I hear you guys are getting at them first" we nodded as he said "Give em hell, stay safe and come back in tact" I shook his hand before he stepped back a couple times and Mina climbed up.
She put her spear in it's holder and turned on the engines, I heard Craig "Hey disciple" I looked back as he said "Harry's giving you the reigns" I must've looked surprised cause Sebastien replied "don't freak out on us now" I nodded as the helicopter lifted and we started towards LA. I stood in the doorway to the cockpit and looked on at the sight, skyscrapers we burning and missing chunks. Flashing lights covered the highways and roads, I muttered in shock "God help us all" I heard Mina "Looks like a fucking apocalypse movie" I turned and said "We're going to secure the main impact point which means we're hitting that tower" i pointed at the target and saw the team take a good look at it. I could tell seeing my finger pointed at the tower missing massive portions. I heard Ela "Do you think it's stable?" I picked up the parachutes and tossed them to the team "I haven't a clue, but just in case." They looked unnerved as I heard Mina "I'll put you on the roof, you can work your way down" I gave a thumbs up as I pulled the door open and looked down at the mayhem.
       Before I knew it the helicopter had leveled and the wheels had touched down on the helipad, I dropped down and took in a breath as the wind whipped wildly. The rest of the group had gotten off as I gave Mina the signal we were off and we headed for the door. I looked across at Craig "How fast does that virus take control?" He replied "from the studies it depends on immune system, if you've got a strong immune system you've got 2-3 days. If you've a weak one, it can take over in minutes." I shivered and heard Jack "We should put on our masks, we don't know how different this strain is" I pulled down my half mask and fixed the clear biohazard mask to my face. I took a couple deep breaths before I heard Harry "team 1, be advised we are setting up a perimeter and Decon points at all exits of the city" I hit squelch on my receiver 2 times as I heard myself "Buck, hit it" as his 12 gauge barked and I kicked the door in sending it tumbling down the stairs.
I slowly worked my way down the steps mentally dealing with the fact that each step seemed to cause the stressed steel to groan in protest. I already didn't like being in this building, it was just waiting to fall. I continued down the steps as I heard Nomad "this, I do not like" buck joked in return in a feeble attempt to hide his own nervousness "come on it's just a bit of involuntary skydiving. It'll be great." Maverick answered "oh I'm sure, why don't we let you test that?" He replied quickly "no, nope, I'm good" I rolled my eyes as we reached the top floor. Luckily this was a business skyscraper so most of the floor was open and the few smaller rooms were predominantly glass panes. It made a quick search for survivors easy, we could just lift a flashlight and call for anyone before moving on. We got lucky the probe touched down when it did, it's a Saturday meaning this skyscraper is mostly deserted just a handful or two of accountants putting in overtime. I longed for a survivor, it would make all the nerves and worry of dealing with infected worth it.

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