Moving forward

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Apollo's pov
       I walked over to the trucks as the teams climbed out I said "Drifter?" He nodded "nice to see you Disciple" I looked at him and said "I wish it were under better circumstances, we need to clear out the hotel on the corner of main and 7th ave" he asked "what do you want our teams to do?" I looked at the officers as they jogged past. "Your team is with me, we clear it the rest hold a perimeter." I heard him give the order before a group of 7 SWAT members formed up on us as I yelled over to Skip "We're clearing the hotel, hold the surroundings!" He gave me a thumbs up as I stepped out from around the armored truck and began running across the street heading for the door. Once we reached it we split to either side and prepared to breach, I sighed as we pushed through the revolving door. I muttered angrily "that should be fucking illegal" as I lifted my rifle and scanned the lobby, genuinely surprised to find it empty. I heard Drifter "think they aren't expecting us?" I heard one of the younger members "maybe they gave up?"
        I replied "they didn't, keep your eyes up" as we moved through the lobby and to the stairs. I didn't want to risk the elevator, it's a kill zone if I've ever seen one. I heard the gunshots outside fall silent, either the masks pulled back or they're preparing to push through us. I bet on the latter and continued through the hotel clearing room after room making sure no masks would shoot us in the back, eventually we reached the top floor. We paused in the doorway and I heard Angle "think they slipped out while we cleared?" I listened as Rio replied "does it matter? We still have to clear the floor" I replied simply "why don't we clear before talking, yeah?" Drifter nodded and I swung the corner seeing a mask disappear around the corner at the end of the hall. I paused and lifted my rifle as Drifter asked "what? What is it?" I replied "mask at the end of the hall, disappeared round the corner" he nodded as I continued with the stack down the hall until a mask bomber started running down the corridor at me, I felt the itch of fear.
I fell back firing as my rifle cleared empty and Drifter stepped infront of me putting his rifle to use as the mask fell over and a round caught the C4 on his vest. The overpressure kicked us all to the ground as the floor of the hotel started giving way, I felt myself start sliding as I clawed behind me until I noticed Drifter was sliding back past me. I grabbed his forearm as well slid down the collapsing floors until we were thrown through the 3rd floor window, I bounced off tree branches before falling to the sidewalk. I coughed as the dust exited my lungs, I looked to my left and saw Drifter pushing himself up. I called over "you still switched on?" He gave me a thumbs up before speaking on the comms. I radioed "be advised, the mask attack has been repelled. Send in the officers and we'll secure so the medics can come treat wounded" I pushed myself to my feet and stretched as the swat team walked out and started talking with Drifter, angle came over to me "you did good, for secret service" I chuckled and shook his hand.
      I listened to the ambulances come tearing up the road as the police flooded the scene and went about setting up a perimeter. I walked out a block and reloaded my rifle, just in case before I radioed "Warden area secured. Im on perimeter duty until the paramedics find and help everyone they can, check?" He radioed back "rog' we're bringing the HVI into the bunker now. I'll loop back to you after we get him secured" I heard Harry "the team is en route to the US as we speak they'll be boots on the ground in 8 hours." I didn't reply but instead just stood around with my rifle hanging loosely, I didn't have that much concern of the masks attacking again but my eyes continued to search the buildings just in case. Eventually warden appeared next to me "The paramedics are doing their final checks" I glanced over "how was the ride?" He replied simply "the president was panicked but once we cleared the city it was smooth" I nodded as we waited. Eventually I heard Oni behind us "Come on, we're leaving" we turned and he explained "Team Rainbow is requesting we meet them at anacostia-bolling"
I shrugged and started walking before I heard Drifter, "Hey Disciple!" I turned back and looked over my shoulder as he said "give em some for us" I nodded and climbed into the backseat, my rifle was placed between my legs and I heard Angel looking at my dust covered uniform "looks like you had fun" I commented "I wouldn't say that" as Topaz said "we'll would you look at that he used his words" I rolled my eyes but the drive quickly became filled with small talk as we scanned the streets. Angel and Oni were debating who got the most kills. I listened before I heard Truck say "Hey disciple" I looked over as he asked "why don't you talk much?" I paused before saying in reply "words have a lot of power, I don't like wasting that power on pointless things" warden commented "always so philosophical, what wisdom do you have to pass on?" I rolled my eyes as we drove. Eventually we hit the airfield and warden and I slid out of the SUV and I heard Oni "you two stay safe. This world is getting crazy" I dipped my head as warden replied "aw don't worry so much"
       We walked into the building and showed our badges to the security and they lead us to the back room, I noticed more than a few people looked unnerved at the arrival of heavily armed police officers, their nerves didn't improve when they saw 'Police secret service' on the back of my vest. I chuckled to myself as we sat down. I heard the security guard "how long do you think you'll be here?" Collinn replied after checking his watch "bout another 7 hours" the guard nodded and extended his hand to me "my names James, let me know if you need anything" I shook his hand "Apollo, call me disciple" he nodded as collinn shook his hand "Collinn" he smiled and said "I'll be back in a bit, make yourselves comfortable" I nodded before leaning back and stretching looking at a magazine on the table. I grabbed it and flipped through before going back to the first page and slowly reading my way through it. I heard collinn "hey check out this news report. They talk about you" I glanced over and took his phone after he offered it and I read the article title.
"Officers take part in a gunfight in downtown DC, saving the president" I looked at him as he chuckled "they don't even have the details yet, the secret service hasn't done a press release. All they're going off is some pictures of us moving the president into the car and some pictures a civilian in one of the buildings took of you and the detail during the gunfight." I rolled my eyes before reading the article "of course they try to throw blame at us for the gunfight. 'Firing round after round' it's a fucking gunfight" I handed Collinn his phone as he continued to read "they did admit that collateral was mostly pretty light, except for your slide act" I rolled my eyes again continuing to read my magazine. Time passed on and on until I got a message from Erik 'we're almost at the airfield, they're shuffling the queue right now. Be ready' I stood and grabbed my rifle before saying "they're here" as we started walking through the airport. New people were there but their nervousness was evident the moment they saw us, it's pretty unusual for civilian police to be on a military installation.
      We walked out and I put my sunglasses back on as Mina carefully lowered her helicopter to the ground infront of us, Collinn smirked and said "time to go to work" I rolled my eyes but climbed up the steps into the passenger bay before I got handed a headset and heard Eliza "We're heading to Fort Irwin, all our forces are amassing there so we can move to wherever this probe hits" I nodded as Collin replied "sounds exciting" Jordan looked over "last time some shit like this happened an entire city had to be quarantined and it's still not totally clean." I sat down as Craig added on "I think they're still clearing out the hotel" Jordan replied "still think we should've nuked it" I scoffed as Mina joined in "I don't think it would be wise to launch nukes" Jordan and Dominic replied "but it'd be cool" I rolled my eyes before hearing "New blood, up here" I walked up and saw her glance over before asking "you tracking dust all over my bird?" I replied simply "not by choice" Eliza asked "didn't a bomb go off?" I nodded before she asked "Anyone get hurt?" Collinn cheekily replied for me "Besides the suicide bomber? No, but Drifter and Disciple got to go for a ride"

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