💢 I-I'm Sorry.. 💢

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Kapi x !Overworking! Reader

(Credits to @MarcyrawrXD for giving me this brilliant idea!)

I come back from work to check my watch to see.. 11:24 PM

"Kapi dear! I'm home!- Oh, he's probably with his 'friends'" I assume

I place all of my work items down near our bed & text him.

"Hey Kaps, I'm off work for 3 whole months! Can you believe that? Cya back home I guess since you're not home.."

Once he got home, which was at 4:36 AM, I yelled, "Why are you always with your friends? Are you in a threesome or something?!" 

"Look, they wanted to pull an All-Nighter so we tried & failed, so we just headed back home then we ran into traffic then-"

"So you prefer them over me?!"

I tug on his hood

"I mean- you're always on work, and I can't just sit around like a dog waiting for you to come back! So I hang out with my mates!"


"No! I didn't have good cellular during the traffic.."

"Plus, you choose work over me! Your very own lover that all of the courage that I had to build up so then you can use me as a trophy! Nothing but just for show."

"*gasp* I could say the same thing over you, I guess you think The More The Merrier when it comes to me huh?!" 


"That's it- You're leaving, have fun getting the money."

I start to fill with tears after he left. " Sh^t Y/N, you really f^cked this up.."

I started pounding my head against the wall


After 30 minutes, I could feel my head bleeding.

Then I started sobbing.

After an hour, I hear the door creak open, what if it's my boss?

I quickly clean up myself & put on my tie

"Y-Yes sir?" I ask

"Hi sweetie.. I forgot how great you are at cuddling, I want to make up for what I did, I know it was stupid of me to do that.. Will you forgive me, my little Teddy Bear?" Kapi replies


There was a moment of silence

"Of course dear!" I hug him " Wanna cuddle now?"

"Heck yeah! Man you're the best lover a cat like me could have. But first, let's get you cleaned up- K?" He asks

"Ok, makes sense. I love you!"

"I love you too my little Teddy Bear!"

421 words, VERY POG-

Kapi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now