🌑 Deal! 🌑

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Kapi x !Streamer! Reader

(credits go to @SaltyLemm0ns for giving me this idea. Tho it isn't exactly what you asked for, Thx for ringing a bell!)

[ It has been currently 5 hours since you woke up, & only 4 and 1/2 hours since you've been gaming. The rest of the 30 minutes of you being woken was wasted on setting up your gaming items & outfit because someone messed it up.]

"Okay chat! Tell me what game to play next! I've already done FNaF, Bendy, Resident Evil 8, Omegle, Undertale, & Parappa! I'm gonna need some good content!" I announce to my followers.

"Roblox!" Called a few

"Minecraft!" Called another few

"Dark Deception!" Called a bigger few

"Crow 64!" Called more

"Arsenal!" Called one. 

"Aha! Thanks go to.. *drumroll effect* EpicGamur64 for giving me the idea to play Arsenal from Roblox! Also big thanks for my editors giving me the effect." I congratulate 

I start to log into my Roblox account & immediately started to get friend requests

"Man you guys really love me! You guys also better stop before my PC crashes!" I jokingly warn them

After 2 & 1/2 hours of playing Arsenal, my Boyfriend, Kapi, comes in

"Honey Muffin? Why weren't you in bed when I woke up?"

I spin my chair to look at him

"Ah, it's because I pulled an All-Nighter with my Beloved followers!"

"Ah, so you prefer them over me?"

"Wha- Hell no!"

"Ha, I just wanted you to say that."

My face turns immediately red, "Sh-Shut up!"

"Anyways, wanna go to the Arcade after that?"

"Well- Sorry kitten.. I've been thinking of streaming & playing PC games today."

"Will you stop pulling All-Nighters everytime and actually give me cuddles?"

"*sigh* Sure but at 11:30 PM K? You can play Arcade Games over there until then~ PLUS!- You don't have to be there sharp just be here around 11:45 k? That's the deadline."


"Deal! See ya back at home at 11:30!"

"Cya dear!"

I started sniping everyone on the other team then after 2 1/2 hours, I played Roblox, Dark Deception, Crow 64, then Minecraft but for 4 1/2 hours

Soon enough, I checked the side of my computer to see..

11:30 PM

"Well- Anybody got any Realms while I wait for Kapi to be here?"

I check my chat & see..

-DaronBlitz✔ Has Joined The Stream-

"*GAAAASP* DILAN!! Sir! I feel so honored to have you in my stream!"

-DaronBlitz✔ Has donated 1000 Bits-

"DaronBlitz✔ says: I've heard that you've been wanting to join a Realm while you wait- You can join The Temptation SMP. I'll DM you the code."


"Direct Message from: DaronBlitz"

I rush to my Discord DMs & make sure that my crowd won't look.

"Direct Message from DaronBlitz: I'll invite you to the Temptation SMP too."

"Dilan that would be great- THANK YOUUU" I yelp again

I join the Realm & start to do my favorite tasks

"Dear? You ready to cuddle?"

"Kaps- You can wrap around my neck, you barely get to do that! Or you can just chill in my chair with me!"

"Hmmmmm I guess I can.."

He climbed onto my chair & fell right to sleep

"Good night Kapsy!"

"..... Good night dearrr." He sleepily says

I find diamonds, head straight to the nether, get some Netherite, & continue on playing."

Man I'm lucky in Video Games & Real Life.

576 words, pog

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