Song Ji Yoon

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"OMMA,wake up,it's already 7. am",Song Ji Yoon,a four years old daughter is waking up her mom who is sleeping soundly in the bed.Ji Yoon let out a sigh before she goes near to the bed.When she is inches away,a woman in the bed suddenly pick her up and tickle her."Omma, stop it"Ji Yoon said while she laughs out of control."Miss,you are testing a wrong person"the woman said and then she releases her daughter and kiss her on the cheek."Good morning,my baby, did you sleep well?".Her name is Song Ji Hyo,she lives with her daughter in jeju and she works in a small company in jeju.Her life is pretty good,she has a very beautiful daughter and  a work.She doesn't need many things cause her daughter is everything for her,she doesn't need anyone not even him.She will do everything for her daughter."ne omma,you know, it's already 7 am?"her daughter statement make her shock ,oh no she has an early meeting with her team."Ji Yoon yah, omma will make you breakfast and  let's go to Hao oppa's house"Kang family is their neighbors,Hao is the only son of Kang Gary and Mrs Kang and both Mr Kang and Mrs Kang love Ji Yoon . Hao love Ji Yoon a lot and he takes care her like her own sister."it's all right, mommy I already have my breakfast and you should prepare yourself quickly"well,although she doesn't want to admit it, sometimes her daughter is really like her father.Ji Yoon has her eyes,nose and lips,however,her habits are more like her father,Ji Yoon likes chicken breast a lot and her father too,Ji Yoon doesn't want to eat fried chicken or instant noodles and her father also didn't eat them as far as she can remember.she resembles him a lot and sometimes she wonders what will he do when he finds out he has a daughter,will he accept or will he ignore her.Oh!song Ji hyo you don't need to think about him,he is just a dead person in your life and also Ji Yoon's life,she will never and ever let him enter into their life,their peaceful life."ok,baby just wait omma outside,and,oh wait! where did you get your breakfast ?","well,there are many bottles of milk in the fridge and I drink it with bread","my baby is a big girl,wait a minute,omma will take a quick shower",please don't come into our life, Kim Jong Kook, please,I wish you also live happily your life and doing well and so please don't destroy our peaceful life."Ji Yoon yah!as soon as ji yoon enters the apartment Hao is running to her, actually,Hao is two years older than her."oppa, good morning","ne, good morning Ji hyo imo and Ji Yoon yah","morning hao yah,where is your parents","we're here Ji Yoon's omma","oh,good morning Mr and Mrs Kang,and sorry for taking your time","it's okay Ji hyo ssi, Ji Yoon is just like our daughter and she is very clever"said Mrs.kang."Ji Yoon yah,be a good girl to imo,samchon and Hao oppa, mommy will get home early,give me a kiss my baby",Ji Yoon gives the kiss on her mother cheek."ne,love you Mommy, goodbye"."love you too,babe","let's play Ji Yoon yah","ok,oppa".Ji Yoon yah,my daughter,omma love you very much.omma will try everything to make perfect for your life.

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