A family

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Kim Jong kook POV
He has his own imagining how to react when his daughter knows about him. She may cry and run to him and then hug him tight and tell him not to leave her again. And then he also hig her and repeated the word 'sorry'. However, the reality is a little different . Well, absolutely different. When Ji hyo address him to Ji Yoon as her father , Ji Yoon stare him and left the two of them and run to her room. He stunned and didn't know what to to. Ji hyo too , she seems shock too. Well , the result isn't good . Maybe Ji Yoon didn't want him or maybe she even hates him. What could he do? Nothing. Finally ,he is the one who can't be beside her since she was born .

"Don't worry , oppa . Maybe she isn't in a good mood. I will talk to her . Wait here" with that ji hyo left him alone in the living room.
He just standing there and watching Ji hyo's back.

Song Ji hyo POV
She didn't know what happened. Ji Yoon isn't like that. She thought her daughter would be happy when she know about her father. Did she make a mistake assuming like that? No , she know her daughter well. There is something that her daughter didn't tell about her.

"Ji Yoon yah " Ji hyo opened the door and called Ji Yoon. Ji Yoon is sitting in her bed and she didn't look at her .

"What's wrong , baby yah. Aren't you happy with the fact that Jong kook Samchom as your father?" She asked and her daughter still the same.

"Ji Yoon yah , omma love you very much and same to your appa. He love you Ji Yoon yah. Didn't you say before that Jong kook samchon is the strongest and the best samchon! Now he is not only your samchon but also your appa who love you very much. " Ji hyo said and hug her daughter and she feel her daughter sob.

"Wae , Ji Yoon yah. What happened? " Ji hyo comfort her daughter and then her daughter whispered.

"Does appa love me? " The question shock the two adults; not only the person who is inside the room but also the person who is ear dropping outside of the the room . Then ,the door swing open

"Of course , appa love you Ji Yoon yah.  You are my princess , Ji Yoon yah. Appa knows that appa wasn't beside you quite a long time. But from now on , appa will stay beside you and we will you do everything you want baby yah. Appa love you Ji Yoon yah. " Just like that Ji Yoon hug him and he returned the right hug. Ji hyo is also crying. She never thought this would happen.

"Ji Yoon love you too ,appa" Ji Yoon said and the three of them hug each other . Now everything gonna be find but the only thing that need to fix is between Jong kook and her.

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