last chapter?

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Bryson p.o.v

I watched as they lowerd my best friend... everything. Into the cold hard ground I was called to speak "thank you all for attending, Marie was...something els, *laughed* I can still remember when we were four and she would wake me up at night to cuddle. Mom and dad weren't there for most of our lives...I was, it should be me down there she was a amazing person that DID NOT deserve to die... Thank you" I said then walked away.

Bryson is now 24 and is in digi tour

"THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING OUT" I yelled into the rouring croud, today I'm 24...its also Marie's birthday too so Marie would be 23, I'm older by 1 day so tomorrow is her birthday really. Mom and dad left is after Marie's death so Taylor took me in as his 'son' so he's on tour with me now....I wish I could have my family back.

I guess we are the next griers....

that was the end remember this was not intended to be a full on story, but just kinda a filler for the on going, I hope you enjoyed it even tho it was stupid but thanks for readingI'm gonna have a new story and I'll let you guys know what it is and yeah....bye

we are the next griersWhere stories live. Discover now