Carnival Games

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I can't believe he said those things to me! Doesn't he know that I love him? I was so stupid to ever love Stefan... How could I be so blinded? 

I walk out of Damon's room and I grab my purse. I take out my phone. 

"Hey Care, do you want to get lunch at the Grill then head over to the carnival?" 

"Hell yes! Wait, didn't you tell me earlier that you were going with Damon?"

"We got into a fight so now I'm officially ignoring his ass." She laughs and I join her. "Grill?" 

"I'll meet you there shortly."

"Okay, see you then, Care." After hanging up, I run downstairs and I get into my car. As I pull into the grill, I see two cars I recognize. A blue Lexus and a light blue Camaro. Damon's here. I walk inside and Caroline waves me over. I sit down and she beams brightly at me. "So what did-" I put my fingers to my lips then I tap my ear and motion to where Damon sits drinking with Ric. "Oh." She says quietly. Matt walks over to us. "Hey, what'll it be?" I look down at the menu. "I'll have a tea." 

"And I'll have the same." Caroline says. I see Damon slap a 20 on the bar then he turn around. I suddenly wish I could just evaporate into thin air. He pulls himself off the bar stool and calmly walks over to where I'm seated. He silently slides in the booth then looks at me. "Hey." I don't look up, as I am absently staring at the menu. "I think I'm going to have a salad." I say, looking directly at Caroline. "Are we seriously going to play that game?" Matt comes back with our teas, and I still ignore Damon. I take a drink and Caroline looks between us awkwardly. Damon sighs then turns to her. "So Caroline, guess what we did-" 

"Damon!" I snap. He looks back at me, looking smug as I scowl back at him. "Okay, well I'm going to let you two talk things out while I'll be... Anywhere else." I cross my arms and stare at the empty seat. 

"Elena, I'm sorry. Yes, I was a little scared, but I made a mistake. I shouldn't have snapped at you." I shake my head and put a 10 down for the teas. "That's the thing, Damon," I stand up then I look over at him, "you shouldn't have been afraid in the first place." I walk over to Caroline who stands at the entrance of the Grill. 

"I'm sorry. I know you're crazy for him." 

"That's something he obviously has to learn." 

"Elena... You know I'd never choose sides, Right?" I nod. "So I say it with the utmost respect for you when I say that he kind of has a point. You've chosen Stefan over Damon a lot." 

"I blood shared with him! I'm sure this is killing me just as much as it's killing him. Can we not talk about this right now? I just want to have fun." She nods then we head out to the booths. 

"Damn! I'm so sorry, I have to go. Tonight is Tyler and I's one year anniversary."

"It's okay, Care. I understand." She rubs my shoulder then walks in the opposite direction. I turn and run into another body. I looks up to see Stefan. "Hello Elena." I roll my eyes. "What are you doing here all alone?" 

"I'm not alone. So if you'd go away I'd very grateful."

"Elena, we were so good together. Isn't this just your spring break in your senior year? Imagine how cute we'd look at prom. I can pull off a tux much better than Damon can." 

"I beg to differ, brother." I wince at the sound of Damon's voice. As much as I love the bastard, he's still a bastard. 

"Ah yes. The complication in an epic romance." I press my lips together in a thin line. 

"Complication? Might I remind you brother that I'm hotter, sexier, better in the sack... Should I continue?" 

"He's not lying about the sack thing by the way." Damon starts laughing, but submits under my cold glare. 

"Come on, Elena. We had a pretty damn good time together." 

"You obviously haven't had sex with him. It's... Never mind, awkward. So, I'm going to go get some cotton candy. See you around, Steffy." Damon walks by my side. "Please leave me alone." 

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" He pulls me into him by my waist. "I was an idiot. I shouldn't have said those things."

"Damon, I'm eighteen now. I was a teenager back then. I didn't realize that I was with the wrong person. I was the idiot. I don't need a reminder of that." 

"Elena Margret Gilbert, you might've been a little stubborn ass martyr at one point, but my girlfriend has never been an idiot. She should know that. And she should know that her boyfriend is the dumbass that doesn't and never will deserve her." I look up at him, his blue eyes glistening. I wrap my arms around his neck. "You are a dumbass. But don't think for a second that you don't deserve me, okay? I love you and you love me, and that's the way it'll always be." He stares at me for a second then leans down and kisses me gently. He wraps his arms casually around my waist, his hands tracing my hourglass figure.

"I love you too." He brushes his nose against mine and I smile. "You had to bring up the martyr phase, didn't you, asshole?" He laughs then pulls me over to one of the rigged carnival games. I laugh as he scans the prizes. "Let's find out how good I am at being a vampire, eh?" He murmurs in my ear. I grin from ear to ear. He puts a dollar down and the guy gives him 3 rings. With ease, he tosses them onto the bottle necks. "Any of the big prizes, sir."He wraps his arms carefully around my waist. "Go on, pick one." I point to the giant brown teddy bear. He hands it to me and I smile. Damon takes my had gently and we keep walking. "Do you still want cotton candy?" I nod and he grins then buys me some. We keep walking around, taling and laughing. 

"So have you gone to a lot of the carnivals?" He asks. 

"I haven't necessarily enjoyed one since before my parents died. Until tonight at least." He smiles then presses his lips to mine gently, making me smile. We continue walking and talking until it's dark, then we head over to the Ferris Wheel. "Come on crazy kids." We climb on and Damon smiles at me. We start going, but then stop at the very top. "Did you compel him?" I ask, playfully scowling at him. "Nope. Anyone with eyes can see the way I look at you." I laugh a little then I lean my forehead against his. He presses his lips to mine and I wrap an arm around his neck while smiling against his lips. He smiles too, then we pull away. "I love you, Damon." 

"I love you more." 

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