No Rest for the Wicked

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Sorry it's shorter, I wanted to get it up to you guys. Enjoy!!!

Another vase breaks out of anger.

"Klaus?!? What the hell are you doing?"

"I shouldn't have... DAMN IT!" I punch the wall and Elijah grabs my arm. "What is wrong with you?!?"

"Rebekah heard a witch and I speaking. It was about the child that Elena had." He tilts his head at me. "What were you speaking about?"


Elena and I gaze at the doorway as Meredith enters. "Are you ready?" We both nod. She goes over to Elena's right side. That's when I see the little pink bundle start to wiggle. Meredith gently lays the bundle in Elena's arms, then I see a scrunched up baby face. Elena gently runs a finger across her bottom lip. Then her eyes open.

"Damon." She smiles at me, and I return it as I see Evie's crystal blue eyes. A small whimper escapes her lips, and Meredith comes in with a bottle of blood. "Do you want to hold her?" I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. "I-I..."

"It's okay. She's your daughter too. I trust you with her life." I nod a little, then she helps me hold the little girl- our little girl. Meredith hands me the bottle, and Elena starts sitting cross legged on the bed, watching us with a huge smile on her face. Evie starts hungrily sucking down the blood, and I see little veins peeking out from under her eyes. "She's beautiful, Elena." I mutter. She smiles and tears cloud her eyes as she looks at our daughter.

"This is so unbelievable. I have a wife and a daughter," I say quietly. She puts her hand on the side of my face.

"This is real, Damon. We're here, and we're together. We have a daughter, a and we can raise her all on our own." Elena lays back down on the bed and I put the baby back in her arms. I sit down next to her on the bed.

"Elena?" Jeremy and Bonnie appear in the doorway with Tyler and Caroline trailing behind them. Jeremy comes over to see his niece.

"She's gorgeous. Congrats." Elena looks up at me. I move my head down and I kiss her. When we pull away, she looks at her brother.

"Do you want to hold her?" He smiles and nods a little.


"What were you speaking about?" Elijah asks.

"It is very important that the girl stays alive until she's sixteen."


"She is crucial to someone I need to release. Her blood does not only have the blood of the last doppelgänger, it also has the blood of Damon. This child's blood is the key to a lock I've been looking for for a long long time."

"Whom is it that you want to release?" I open my mouth to speak, but then I close it and a smug smile replaces my frown.

"Tell me, Niklaus."

"You'll know her when you see her."


Damon heads back to the house to get me some clothes and to get a couple things for Evie. I lay there with the little vampire sleeping next to me.

What happened was this:

I woke up at around 2:45 because I was having cramps in my lower abdomen. After about 5 minutes of agonizing pain, my water broke and Damon took me to the hospital. It took 10 hours, but here she is.

Evie starts crying, so I grab a bottle from the side table and I pick her up. I nudge the blood at her lips and she latches onto it. After it's all gone, I stand up. It's easier to walk now, because Evie is in my arms and not in my stomach. Meredith walks in.

"Hey Elena. It's good that you're up and moving."

"Yeah. Would I be able to go on a little walk in the hospital? I need to move around."

"I was just about to go get some food. There are cheeseburgers today." I smile then we head down to the cafeteria.

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