ch.3| up all night

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"Harry...Harry, love wake up." It was Louis, hands buried in Harry's hair as he tried to get him to awake. Harry just curled up into Louis' side, hiding his face in Louis' shoulder.

It was time for them to leave for Edinburgh, the weather was good, the sun was bright. If the traffic was flowing well, then they would be there within five hours.

Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, moving him from the van to the bus. Harry's feet dragged sluggishly across the ground, shoes bound to be slightly scuffed by the end.

"C'mon, you can sleep more on the bus." Louis told him, thumb rubbing across the small strip of skin that was showing along his hip where his shirt had slightly ridden up.

Harry mentioned that he needed to brush his teeth still. Since the interview he hadn't had time to either get a drink or refresh his mouth.
Louis nodded, looking behind him as Liam, Zayn and Niall entered the bus also.

Louis stood against the wall, Harry sat on the closed lid of the toilet. "Maybe you should try and eat something, might do you some good." He suggested, folding his arms over his chest.

Shrugging his shoulders, Harry spat out the toothpaste, rinsing off his brush before standing up. Louis wiped the corner of Harry's mouth with his sleeve, taking his hand and walking to the small kitchen area.

"I'll just have a few of those." Harry pointed towards the crackers pushed behind other items of food.

"These?" Louis pulled a face, "wouldn't you rather a piece of toast or something?"

Harry shook his head, stopping when it caused his headache to flare up again, he didn't want to think of creamy butter or anything of the sort. It made his stomach feel funny and he gulped, feeling on edge.

"Also, can you grab me a couple of those pills again, please." Harry asked, watching as Louis placed a few crackers on a plate, as well as grabbing a bottle of water.

Louis hummed a 'yes' as he worked his way around the tiny kitchen, searching in the little medication cabinet they had for some medicine.

"Thanks Lou." Harry smiled when Louis passed him his things, motioning for them to join the boys on the sofa.

Again, all eyes were glued to the screen, only this time they all watched as Liam played his new video game.

"How're you feeling?" Zayn asked, eyes not turning away from the television, but words thoughtful and voice sympathetic.

"A little off." Harry mumbled in reply, hesitantly bringing the corner of a cracker up to his lips and nibbling on it.

"Well, hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow," Niall piped up, "we've got a concert."

Harry nodded, as if he didn't already know, and he was completely dreading it. He just knew that he was not going to be feeling one hundred percent, and by the way his stomach gurgled when he only took the smallest sip of water, he had a feeling this was still not the end.

* * *

It was when the boys put on another film — this time it was avengers, they had all been wanting to watch it for a while — that Harry once again felt as if he'd been hit by a truck.

It had just turned eleven o'clock, and he was tucked into Louis' side, practically on his lap, as Louis' hand wafted through his hair and the other rubbed lightly at his stomach. It was rather soothing in a way, and Harry for sure would usually have fallen asleep by now if it wasn't for the horrendous churning in his gut.

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