ch.5| hotel rooms

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Throughout the entire drive, the boys were silent. All of them now just wished for one thing: sleep.

Louis could barely keep his eyes open, but stayed awake for the sake of Harry, just in case his stomach decided to surprise him.

Niall had passed out not long after the engine had started, head resting against the window, breathing peaceful as the street lights loomed over his face.

Liam had muttered, "good show lads." And Zayn had agreed before the silence swept over them all.

"I've never heard you all so quiet." Their driver had stated, and that emitted chuckles from three out of the five boys, it was probably the truth.

* * *

Arriving at the hotel, the boys were all thankful that there were little amount of fans waiting there.

Even though it may have sounded rude or horrible, all they wanted was to get Harry into bed now he was feeling able to sleep free with no vomiting, as well as themselves, and they didn't need anyone or anything to hinder that.

They were glad when the security helped quicken the process of getting to their rooms. Louis having to walk behind Liam who was behind Harry for a moment until they were inside.

"C'mon, we're nearly there now." Louis mumbled, barely linking his hands with Harry's whilst the five of them — plus a member of their security team — all huddled into the lift.

They were on the fifth floor, and although the wait in the lift wasn't long, it was long enough for Harry to doze off on Louis' shoulder.

The boys all laughed and awed at the sight in front of them, letting Louis know they'd all be joking about Harry falling asleep whilst standing up the next day.

When Harry awoke due to their nattering, and also the opening of the doors, the boys instantly shut up, Niall resting his head on Zayn's shoulder as they walked before snoring exaggeratively, leaving Harry confused.

Louis just shook his head, hiding his smirk in Harry's neck as they reached their room for the night. Scanning the key card and entering with a contented sigh, ready to fall asleep.

The two stood in the bathroom together as they brushed their teeth lazily, smiling at each other with foamy mouths in the mirror.

Harry couldn't even begin to explain how joyous he was now that he was no longer expelling his stomach every hour. However, first he felt the need to sleep for a lifetime.

The pair stripped from their clothes, tossing them to the floor, and Harry quickly crawled into bed under the covers.

When Louis turned away, Harry grabbed his arm, "stay with me." He asked softly and Louis giggled.

"Of course I am, was just gonna turn off the light."

"Oh.." Harry's cheeks turned a light pink and Louis couldn't have felt more fond of the boy.

Now cuddled up together, noses almost touching in close proximity, Louis ran his hand gently up and down the width of Harry's hip.

Harry's hands were tucked beneath his chin, eyes raking over Louis' face, admiring what he could see of his eyes, his nose, his lips. Perfect. He thought — even in the dark.

"I'm glad you're feeling better now." Louis spoke softly into the darkness of the room. "Not sure how much longer I could deal with seeing you so poorly." He told him, slightly shifting beneath the sheets, hand now resting just on Harry's waist.

"Me too."

And that was all that needed to be said, because sleep was nearing and the boys had a concert the next day, they needed to be energised and needed to feel refreshed.

Harry felt better and much more contented, so he was feeling ready to enjoy the experience again.

"Goodnight Haz, I love you."

"I love you too."


I know this chapter was a lot smaller, but I didn't know how to finish and didn't want to drag it on for too long.

I hope you enjoyed as much as I did writing it!!

I may be writing another thing like this with another boy and different sickness or injury etc. Let me know what you think :))

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