Siren x Female!Reader

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Art by Joao vagner

Y/N-Your name

Siren name: Noenia


Your POV

"They're all over me! I can't-"

"Stay calm Zack! I'm right behind them." I speak through the channel trying to ease his nerves

I open fire on the three jets behind him, successfully hitting two of them. The two pilots quickly eject from their crashing jets and I turn my attention on the final jet between me and my friend. I desperately try and follow it's path as it tries to shake me but the pilot's movements were so erratic I couldn't keep up. I watch in horror as the jet fires at Zack's jet wings sending him barreling towards the ocean.

"Eject Zack! Eject!" I scream at him

"I-I can't! I c-can't find the lever!" He panics

"Yes you can dammit! It's underneath your seat!"

After a few seconds Zack ejects from his jet earning a sigh of relief from me. I fly after the enemy jet and immediately shoot at it's engine, not giving it a chance to escape. I watch with some satisfaction as it crashes into the ocean.

"All fighters return to the ship. All enemy fighters have been dealt with."

"Yes sir. We'll return immediately." Our captain, Emma responds

We land back on our carrier just as they release a rescue ship to collect the pilots. I open the canopy and climb out joining a few of my squad mates on the deck.

"Those ships really came out of nowhere." Aaron sighs running his hand through his brown hair

"I know right? I'm surprised they didn't try to attack the ship. I mean they had time." I point out before Emma walks over to us

"Alright everyone to the bridge. Commander wants a word with us."

We nod, the five of us following her to the bridge. We enter the bridge a few minutes later, saluting our commander.

"Commander Alex." Emma salutes

He was of course dressed in his white uniform, with his various metals and ribbons decorating it. Alex turns around at the sound of Emma's voice, facing us with his hands behind his back.

"I wanted to say good job today. You and your squad reacted quickly and took care of them quickly."

"Thank you sir."

"I also wanted-"

Commander Alex is suddenly interrupted by someone yelling through the comms.

"We're being attacked!"

Alex rushes over to the console grabbing the radio.

"What do you mean rescue one?"

"-something in the water!-" The radio crackles

"Sir we're about to lose the channel." A nearby sailor speaks trying to focus in on the channel

"Return to the ship at once rescue one!" The commander barks into the handheld radio

My squad and I all share a look of worry as the only response is static.

"Rescue one?"

This time there's no response and everyone on the bridge shows a look of worry. One of the captains grabs a pair of binoculars looking in the last known direction of the small boat. A few intense seconds of silence later the captain finally speaks.

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