Siren x Fem!Reader 2

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Your POV

I woke up with a start, taking in deep breathes. Although I quickly realize that I was still underwater...and I felt something weird on my neck. I went to feel what it was only to see that my hands were now webbed. My eyes widen and I look at my legs, only to see a blue mermaid tail. I begin to panic and try to use my tail but to no avail. Suddenly I feel someone embrace me from behind.

"It's alright." Noenia coos pulling me against her front, "I'm right here."

"W-What did you do.."

"Your human body would not have been capable down here, so in order to prevent that and any type of pain my fellow sirens and I turned you into one of us." Her tail entangles with mine and I notice how much shorter mine was then hers

"What about the others? Zane?"

"Don't fret about them. They were turned by their lovers." She purrs nuzzling my cheek

I take a deep breath, rushing the salt water past my new gills. I look down at my webbed hands trying to collect myself.

"What are you going to do to us?"

Noenia tilts her head looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes of hers, "Was lovers not clear? We took you and your friends because we wanted you as mates. If not then well, you wouldn't be alive right now."

"Mates? As in like the fictional soulmates-"

"It is not fictional." Noenia growls pulling me flush against her once more

I pause letting her calm down before speaking again, "Is our condition reversible?"

"Why would you want that?"

"Well I would like to see my family. They'll be worried about me once our ship returns-"



"You're my mate. Your place is by my side in our pod. Your family will be a concern no more."

"I can't just-"

"Shhh darling." She cuts me off placing her finger on my lips, "Now sadly I have to leave but I'll be back later okay?"

The siren untangles herself from me, pecking my lips before leaving her room. As she left some type of air barrier formed in the door and another siren stood in front, making sure that I wasn't going anywhere.

Noenia POV

I swim to our war room, most of my fellow sirens already there.

"And what about the ship?" Ariel speaks

"It should be taken care of." I speak up gaining everyone's attention

"Welcome Captain Noenia." Our leader Kyrinia greets me

I nod before continuing, "My mate has said that if the ship return the lands then it would worry her family, and perhaps more humans that would to try and take our mates away from us."

My statement is met with multiple growls, many sirens in the room clearly not keen on having their mates stolen.

"And what is your proposition?"

"I suggest we attack them tonight. With our advanced weapons we can create holes in the ships armor, causing it to sink. Then the humans can be either eaten or taken by our unmated sisters."

The others are quick to agree with me leaving our leader with an easy decision.

"Well then it's been decided everyone go and prepare. We shall attack them at nightfall."

A few hours later.....

My sisters and I easily swim through the water, the darkness hiding our moving forms from the armed humans above. We dive underneath the large vessel and I retrieve the vial from my sash. I place it against the metal before turning the top, releasing the substance onto the metal. My sisters do the same and we swim away, watching the toxic substance eat away at the hull. Within moments the ship was sinking into the water, the humans above beginning to panic. A few must've spotted us in the water and began to shoot at us. We fired back with our more advanced weapons, easily shooting them since they didn't bother for cover. As their corpses hit the water some of my sisters began to feed on their flesh.

As the ship tilted downwards some of the humans fell into the water, and the ones desired by my unmated sisters are swiftly snatched up. As the ship continued it's doomed path a few of the humans are quick to try and escape on smaller boats. My sisters and I are quick to act, rushing towards them. With one shot of our blasters we destroy the small motors of the life boats before slashing at the hull and floating devices. Some of my sisters got quite impatient, deciding to just jump up and pull their mates into the water. We turn back to the main ship only to see that most of it was in the water. My other sisters who were already mated followed me into the sinking vessel. We swim through the ship to gather the corpses or turn any unclaimed alive females we came across.

After about 30 minutes the fight was over and we began to make our way back to our home. I was slightly tired from the ordeal and wanted nothing more then to return back to my mate and have her in my arms. I drop off the corpses in our storage area before swiftly returning to my room. Yela was still standing guard and upon seeing me she moved out of the way.

"Did she cause any trouble?"

"She tried to go through the barrier but she quickly learned that she couldn't get through it. I'm pretty sure she fell asleep." She chuckles as I turn off the barrier

I thank her and she leaves, my attention fully on the cute little siren on my bed. I coo at the sight of her curled up form, a small smile on her face as she muttered in her sleep. I lay down beside her gently wrapping my arm around her and pulling her form to my front. I kiss her forehead watching with amusement as she furrows her brows before returning to her peaceful slumber.

"You're mine." I purr to her sleeping form, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear

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